...About Accenture Accenture is a company focused on management consulting, technology services and outsourcing. If we base solely in net profit it was the biggest consulting group in the world on the year 2014 by achieving net revenue of 30 billion dollars. Accenture starter as a company in 1950 under the name Andersen Consulting later on, in 2001 it changed its name to Accenture and became publicly traded thus giving birth to the company we know today. Accenture has around 300.000 employees scattered around the world in approximately 120 countries. Management in the corporation For the writing of this research project we will use several sources to gather information about the company but most precisely about its management practices. We...
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...Case Study: Strategic IT Transformation at Accenture An introduction to Accenture • Accenture today is a multinational management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing company. • Headquarters in Dublin, Ireland • World’s Largest IT Consulting firm by revenue • In 2014, reported net revenue of 30 billion • 305,000 employees world wide • Servicing clients in more than 200 cities and 56 countries History of Accenture • Started out as Andersen Consulting a division of the accounting firm Arthur Andersen. • In 2001 Andersen Consulting split away from its parent company and became Accenture. • To support its launch, Accenture had the right to use Andersen’s Technology infrastructure for one year. Problems with the Old IT Infrastructure • Andersen’s systems were composed of a patchwork of legacy applications that did not interconnect. • Key systems and Databases could not be accessed remotely through the internet. • Each Office had adopted their own accounting and HR Software systems, making it difficult to get a status of the whole Organization at any one time. Problems with the Old IT Infrastructure Changing the approach to IT • Accenture due to the split had a rare opportunity for an organization of its size; To build its IT infrastructure from Scratch. • Accenture had to change the conceptual approach to internal IT and its perception. • IT would be run as a business within a business rather than as a cost center as had been traditionally done. Changing the...
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...Abstract: This case study is about the strategies which are being implemented by Accenture in order to allow for the transformation of information technology. Information technology leaders face a lot of challenges and in order to meet the challenges and high expectations of IT services and even with reducing cost and meeting the future needs of the business. This case study tells what approaches they have taken to define information architecture. They have faced the challenges of implementing the right information technology due to the increasing demand of IT and its ability to reduce the complexity. As information technology is complex and need a well-defined plan of staring up or execution, initially they had an option of going for a "best in breed" approach, or a combination i.e. “mixed approach”. When Andersen consulting separated from his parent firm Arthur Andersen, with this move came the challenging opportunity to design and implement information technology infrastructure. Complicating matters: · The Andersen technology was becoming outdated and would be of no use. It consisted of patchwork legacy systems, obsolete software platforms that could not be accessed through the internet and due to which they needed expensive private network to access them. · Over the time the offices developed their own individual accounting and HR software systems. This made it difficult to get up-to-date information quickly and at one time. · Since Accenture broke away from Andersen...
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...AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE---A STUDY OF ACCENTURE As companies grapple with the current economic situation, many are recognizing that this particular downturn in the business cycle is different from those that preceded it. Indeed, today’s business context—characterized by rapidly intensifying globalization that has substantially increased the complexity, risk and uncertainty of doing business—has only served to exacerbate the challenge of managing through a difficult economy. Many of today's biggest challenges come down to the different kind of decision making required to be successful. Organizations seeking high performance must make faster and bolder decisions. Companies must think both the positive and negative consequences of decisions made in this fast-paced environment. The systematic study of the organization’s ability to develop and sustain a culture capable of delivering quality products and services over time enables us to identify and understand the general requirements for doing so and provides insight into how to do it. In this paper I will share what I have learned about creating and sustaining an organizational value through integrated sustainability programs and business intelligence that is capable of high performance in Accenture. In a time of changing consumer values and economic uncertainty, the marketing function has a more strategic role to play in driving growth and high performance. Are marketers ready to step up? Accenture believes so—if they are prepared...
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...Using the example of one or more types of outsourcing (IT, HR, etc) review the pros and cons of outsourcing and examine its implications for future firm strategic direction. Introduction Outsourcing has become an increasingly popular strategic tool for worldwide organizations. Due to two key phenomena such as technological advances and globalisation, most organizations have be forced to continuously produce goods and services in higher qualities and lower prices. Since the benefits of outsourcing were revealed, it has become an increasingly widespread strategic tool among organizations. A survey reports that up to 90 percent of Australian employers had out sourcing at least one activity and at least half of them had outsourced cleaning, catering, maintenance and transport (Stone, 2005:61). On the other hand, only 5 percent of outsourced organizations had reported highly satisfied with the outsourcing services ( McIvor, 2000). To gain a better understanding of whether outsourcing should be continuously pursued as a strategic tool, the following essay will be divided into four main parts. The first section will contain an outline of the motives of outsourcing. The second will be an exploration of possible advantages and disadvantages associated with the process. The last part will include implications for the strategic direction of the firm. First and foremost, it is essential to define the key terms relevant to the essay. According to Stone (2005,60), outsourcing is an organization...
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...Management Authors: Robert L. Mathis & John H. Jackson Edition: 13th ISBN# 978-0538453158 Course Objectives: ➢ Students will learn key Human Resource practices as recruitment, selection, training, compensation, performance appraisals and laws that constrain these practices. ➢ Students will come to understand how these practices can be successfully developed and implemented in the context of today’s environment. ➢ Students will develop an understanding of HR importance to an organization and learn about the manager’s role in the HR process Course Requirements: 1. Please come to class prepared to discuss the chapter readings and present a thorough written brief on the assigned cases. Each case must be at least 1 full page in length (12“font). Case studies must be submitted at the beginning of each class. E-mail copies will not be accepted. These cases will be checked for content, grammar, use of examples and must answer the questions associated with each case. Strong emphasis in grading will be placed on individuality and originality. Questions concerning these papers may be presented to the instructor at any time. 2. Final Exam: Students are expected to choose a topic from the fourteen (14) that are listed in the syllabus. Each paper should be at least 10 pages in length and should follow the APA Style of writing (please see the attached examples). To avoid plagiarism, all papers should include in-text citations as well as a reference...
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...1 ACCENTURE: REBRANDING AND REPOSITIONING A GLOBAL POWER BRAND1 INTRODUCTION Andersen Consulting was established in 1989 when the consulting practice of the accounting firm Arthur Andersen separated to form an independent business unit. Andersen Consulting faced the extremely difficult task of positioning itself in the Information Technology market space while simultaneously forging a separate identity from its accounting heritage. The business challenge was to retain the positive aspects of the brand equity developed over decades as Arthur Andersen, yet break away from the limitations associated with an accounting brand. What was notable was that before its inception, Andersen Consulting was generating almost $1 billion annually in revenue, yet wasn’t well known in the information technology marketplace. And to those who did know them, they were often thought of accountants, and not up to the task of delivering innovative technology solutions. In order to bridge this gap, Andersen Consulting used extensive market research to create a brand and naming strategy that would establish immediate credibility in the “consulting” arena, while at the same time leveraging all of the positive aspects with the Arthur Andersen brand. Market research also helped form the strategy for successfully launching the new name and positioning. In order to build a new identity, Andersen Consulting set a groundbreaking precedent by using sophisticated marketing strategies coupled with the professional...
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...Management | Module Tutor – Chris Collins | | | The Human Resource Management in three countries, with distinctive cultural context activities (India, Pakistan and China). Approx – 5ooo words | Deepen Gurung : u0976207 | 12/16/2010 | | IHRM 2010/11 CONTENT INTROODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 3 .*Figure 1. Typical structure of HR function in a Med-size Org ..................................... 4 .*Figure 2. Typical structure of HR department in Large-size firm ................................ 5 .* Objectives of HRM .......................................................................................................... 5 .*Table 3. Div. Of Responsibility for HR activities ........................................................... 7 .*Indian Implementation of HRM Practices ...................................................................... 8 .*Selection ........................................................................................................................... 8 .*Selection Process.....................................................................................
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...“Turkish Airlines experiences rapid expansion”. This is the title of an article appeared on November 14, 2013 in the Financial Times. In the decade 2003-2013 the company expanded enormously, from 65 to 233 aircrafts, the passenger numbers have more than quadrupled and the number of international destinations grew surprisingly from 76 to 199. (See Exhibit 1) At present, Turkish Airlines appears to be one of the most extensive airline companies with 106 connected countries (the last was added in April 2014). It was also acclaimed as the best European company in the last four years consecutively at the Skytrax World Airline Awards, being the third most profitable carrier after Ryanair and Easyjet. The expansion continues: with the project of the third Istanbul’s international airport and the announcements of new destinations to countries like Mexico, Philippines and South Sudan. (See Exhibit 2) How a small Turkish state-owned company became so huge and successful? What are the main challenges it had to face and how did it tackle them? What are the main actual and future issues for a company that is expanding quickly and widely? We will try to give an answer to these questions in the paper: starting from an essential and short presentation of Turkish Airlines historical evolution, making a synthetic overview of its main strategies and analyzing the past and the future challenges in developing countries such as India. Turkish Airline historical steps towards internationalization...
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...ACF100 10100101010101 ACF100 10100101010101 08 Otoño 08 Otoño Tingting Luan, Eirini Marini, George Mills, Alex Nath, Trang Nguyen Tingting Luan, Eirini Marini, George Mills, Alex Nath, Trang Nguyen Miniproject Michaelmas 2013 Consider the uses and importance of new technology for organizational success Miniproject Michaelmas 2013 Consider the uses and importance of new technology for organizational success Business Environment Business Environment Table of Contents * Introduction……………………………………………………...........................2 * Discussion * Human Resource Management………………………………………….3 * Research & Development……………………………………………….4 * Supply Chain Management……………………………………………..5 * Production………………………………………………………………6 * Customer Relations……………………………………………………..7 * Conclusion……………………………………………………………………...8 * Reference List…………………………………………………………………10 Introduction The technological boom of the new millennium has revolutionised the world we live in. It is advancing at such a rate that it has become near impossible for any organisation or individual to ignore it. It is central to modern day living as it is used in communication, transport and even impacts one’s leisure activities. We are not just in coexistence with technology but we are now reliant on it. As such, data is growing at an outstanding rate with the world data stores doubling every 20 months, which is hardly surprising given there are now...
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...Survey report May 2012 Flexible working provision and uptake Contents Summary of key findings Flexible working provision – employers’ policies and practices Formal/informal flexible working arrangements Flexible working and the law Right to request flexible working Flexible working regulations and tribunal claims Access to and uptake of flexible working among employees Employee perceptions of the flexible working arrangements provided by employers Uptake of flexible working Flexible working uptake, by size of organisation worked for Flexible working uptake, by seniority of employees Employees that would like to work flexibly if given the opportunity Benefits of flexible working Benefits of flexible working: employees Satisfaction with work–life balance and employee engagement Satisfaction with work–life balance support Barriers to introducing flexible working Flexible working trends Background to the report Conclusions 2 4 7 9 10 14 15 15 16 18 18 18 21 22 24 25 27 30 33 34 Flexible working provision and uptake 1 Summary of key findings Background to the survey This report is based on survey responses from more than 1,000 employers and 2,000 employees. The employer survey is weighted to be representative of industry in the UK in relation to size, sector and type of business. The employee survey is weighted to be representative of the UK workforce in relation to sector and size (private, public, voluntary), industry type and full-time/part-time working by gender...
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...Hewlett-Packard: Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage By Eric M. Lowitt and Jim Grimsley May 2009 Case Study Hewlett-Packard: Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage Having worked with thousands of corporate and government clients around the world, Accenture has long understood the special characteristics that enable organizations to outperform their peers—to become high-performance businesses. High-performance businesses are those that: • effectively balance current needs and future opportunities, • consistently outperform peers in revenue growth, profitability and total return to shareholders, • sustain their superiority across time, business cycles, industry disruptions and changes in leadership. In this case study, we investigate how a genuine commitment to sustainability— defined as environmental and social responsibility—is helping HP to grow its leadership in key markets. We look at how HP translates its green credentials into profitable new businesses and better-performing existing ones, all while advancing its long-term position as a model corporate citizen in the global arena. Transforming a good-citizenship heritage into contemporary sustainability credibility For HP, building a global sustainability program—one that is held to the same rigorous standards of accountability and profitability as its other business initiatives—is an ambitious and ongoing challenge. With little precedent in the IT sector and virtually none in organizations of HP’s size...
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...Content: 1. Introduction 2. Main part 3.1 Outsourcing definition and types 3.2 Outsourcing and its effect on business 3.3 Outsourcing pros and cons 3. Conclusion 4. Bibliography Introduction The term outsourcing comes with many preconceived connotations, both positive and negative, thus the study of the mechanisms for effective use of outsourcing as a business development tool is also clouded with these perception issues. Much of the academic study of outsourcing revolves around trying to determine if it is a good thing or a bad thing, whether it is harmful to the local workforce or beneficial to globalization, and whether the average company has an obligation, moral or otherwise, to consumers in its home town, state or country to use labor within that region. None of those topics are pertinent to the discussion here and are therefore being immediately excluded. That is not to say that these are not pertinent and valid area of research in their own right, only that they are tangential to this discussion herein. This review will focus on outsourcing as it relates to control mechanisms within company development. Specifically, this paper will attempt to identify the link between control mechanism and outsourcing within the framework of managerial accounting. Outsourcing, literally, is the use of an external source to perform a business function instead of having an employee do it using company equipment. In its simplest...
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...an important concept in HR now days. Every company follows this concept in order to retain the employees along with that to have a proper flow of work within the organization. On the other hand maintaining an employee involvement strategy is also an important task of every organization. The given study will help to generate an idea about the mentioned countries which are China, India and Germany address the related issues regarding leading and managing people. By conducting these studies an overall idea about the communication strategy of the organization will also be identified. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Introduction 3 Employee’s Involvement Strategy within the Organization 3 Concept of Leading and Managing People 4 Theoretical exploration of potential opportunities/challenges in China, India and Germany 5 Communication Taking Place in the Organization 7 Relevant scenarios in terms of opportunities and challenges of HR 8 Recommendations 10 Conclusion 12 References 13 Introduction One of the main notions of the given study is to provide a brief overview about the topic related to leading and managing people. The situation of this study is designed in such a way where it has been told that after getting a promotion to be the head of the HR department with its other branches in China, India and Germany it is asked to do a research study in which it is important to illustrate the employee involvement strategy. The given study will also include proper...
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...MGS 555 Final Project TEAM RAKSHA Information Assurance, Security and Privacy Services Table of Contents SL NO | CONTENTS | PAGE NUMBERS | 1 | Introduction | 3 | 2 | Summary | 4 | 3 | Application of IT enabled services | 5 | 4 | Technologies involved | 6 | 5 | Challenges | 7 | 6 | Threat to management | 9 | 7 | Conclusion | 10 | Introduction Information Technology that enables the business by improving the quality of service is IT enabled services. ITES is the acronym for the term “IT Enabled services”. It is one of the fastest growing segments of international trade. ITES is a form of outsourced service which has emerged due to involvement of IT in various fields such as banking and finance, telecommunications, insurance, etc. It also involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process to a third-party service provider. ITES sector includes services ranging from call centers, claims processing, eg. Insurance. Office operations such as accounting, data processing, data mining. Billing and collection, eg. Telephone bills. Internal audit and pay roll, eg. Salary bills on monthly basis, Cash and investment management, eg. Routine jobs given to a third party and giving importance to core business. Summary The most important aspect is the Value addition of IT enabled service. The value addition could be in the form of - Customer relationship management, improved database, improved look and feel, etc. The...
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