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Huckleberry Finn Moral Analysis

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In chapters 24-30 of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, there is a clear theme of morals influencing one’s actions as events become more personal. Huck understands that the the duke and dauphin are dishonest men, but he does not think much about it; they are, at first, scamming random, gullible people who Huck has no connection with. However, Huck quickly becomes disgusted by their actions when they begin to scam the Wilks family. When the king and duke begin to sob, Huck fells “it was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race” (235). Their actions now stick out to Huck as this act is more personal unlike their previous antics; the Wilks are in mourning over a lost family member and are in a vulnerable state, yet the frauds

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