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Leadership Blind Spots Research

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9 Leadership Blindspots that Sabotage Your Success

The biggest predictor of leadership success will come down to identifying blind spots and self-awareness about them.

Korn Ferry research of 6,977 leaders found that more self-aware leaders (fewest blind spots) led to higher financial performance and employee satisfaction. In addition, Organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich’s research has shown that 95% of people believe they are self-aware, but the actual number is between 10-15%.

Do you know what your leadership blind spots are?

It’s a trick question because blind spots are areas in our life that we are literally “blind” to. Everyone around you can see them except you.

Why blind spots matter
Blind spots are huge unseen dangers that …show more content…
They are also unconscious and based on your experiences, skills and behaviors starting from birth.

With that background in mind, here are the nine most common leadership blind spots I’ve seen working with hundreds of executives and interviewing many more:

Upper Limit Problems:
Gay Hendricks is the author of the The Big Leap, where he talks about how we unconsciously sabotage ourselves when we experience more success than we are used to. It’s called the Upper Limit Problem.

Here is how it plays out: You have a big win (sale, success, etc.) and then you get the flu, get into a big fight with your partner, argue with a colleague, etc.

What can you do:
Realize everyone will have an upper limit problem and it’s part of your journey
Be grateful when good things happen to you
Pay attention to your thoughts, actions, and behaviors after you have success

Managing Your Emotions:
The most transformative leaders understand and stay curious about how emotions affect them, and understand the emotions of the people they engage …show more content…
What’s the story around why you do this behavior?
What are the limiting beliefs that underlie your story? (i.e. I’m not smart or good enough? I don’t deserve this?)
What stories, emotions and beliefs would you need to have to change the behavior?

Your own limitations are creating results that you don’t want. You need to figure out what beliefs are holding you back!

Also, check out my favorite author, Brene Brown and her book Rising Strong. It discusses the entire story process (along with editing and creating new ones).

Communication and Decision-making styles
Most people don’t think about how their information is received. So putting real effort into this gives you an edge.

Next time you present information in a meeting, send the document 24 hours ahead of time and also bring a hard copy to the meeting. Then watch what happens.

Do the people in the meeting study the entire document, or are they looking for the bottom line? Did they read it ahead of time? By understanding how someone takes in information, you can prepare in a way that meets how your audience wants to be communicated

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