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Teenagers In A Spanish-Speaking Country

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1. What is the main difference between a celebration in the United States and a celebration (fiesta) in a Spanish‐speaking country? The main difference between a United States celebration and a fiesta in a Spanish-speaking country is that celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries revolve around dancing.
2. Mention a factor that allows Spanish speakers to celebrate and dance with family members of all ages. Because of the emphasis on familial bonds, Spanish speakers can celebrate and dance with family members of all ages.
3. In your opinion, what are the reasons that Spanish‐speaking culture could be considered to be more family oriented than some other cultures? Spanish speaking cultures are more family oriented because Spanish families’ lives are more intertwined. Many family events occur through a child’s life, for …show more content…
Would you like to live in a society that encourages more family-oriented activities? Yes, I would, a family is the most important thing. A family should be your constant ally and support.
5. What in your opinion is the main difference between teenagers in the United States and teenagers in Spanish‐speaking countries? One of the largest differences that Spanish students live at home and commute to university in comparison to American students who move out and live on campus. Many American parents look forward to their child moving out and going to college. However, Spanish parents want their children to stay at home for as long as possible.
6. What in your opinion is the reason for such a difference? In my opinion, this difference is because of Spanish families are focused on family. Most, American parents cannot wait for their children to move out.
7. Can you explain why many of the holidays in Spanish speaking countries have religious roots? Name the religion that is most dominant in those countries. Many Spanish-speaking countries are predominantly Roman Catholic. Due to this, many holidays in Spain- speaking holidays have religious

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