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The Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

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Airport security is very important for safety of all passengers that are flying worldwide. They are scanning thousands of passengers each day and are trying to make it as safe as possible for all flyers. That includes creating a better system that allows all objects to have a thorough check before being put onto a plane. The problem with airport security is that people are always trying to find new ways to test the system and bring explosives on board a plane. This is why it is very important to have improvements to airport security and all safety for all passengers flying. Airport security has been very busy over the last couple of years, screening passengers across the nation. In 2014, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) …show more content…
On September 5, 1961, John F. Kennedy signs a bill that makes air piracy punishable by death or imprisonment(2). On January 6, 1960, a mid air explosion killed 34 people on a National Airlines plane, which started the demand for the use of baggage inspection devices(1). In October 1970, the Sky Marshal program was created to try and cut down hijacking attempts(2). This allowed for Airport Security officers to dress as a typical passenger to try and stop any hijacking attempts. On June 22, 1985, Ronald Reagan wanted research done for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) armed Federal Air Marshal program aboard all U.s. carriers that are international(2). After the attacks on September 11, 2001, the government created the TSA which would oversee all of airport security and made changes to make security better than before. Also many airports began having thorough security checks done on people and if a person was suspicious they would pat them down and would have dogs sniffing suspicious luggage. On December 22, 2001, TSA implemented a law stating that all shoes had to be taken off during screening after a man had carried matches on aboard a plane in his shoes attempting to light the plane on fire(3). On November 25, 2002, the Homeland Security Act was passed which allowed volunteer aviators to protect the passengers against criminal violence(4). In 2006, TSA …show more content…
They will require that all airports will have full body metal detectors and full body body scanners that can show concealed items beneath clothing(7). All checked bags will be required to go through large scale x-ray machines and must be kept away from passenger areas in the terminal(Parkinson 7). Senator John Edwards, recently suggested that using biometric technology to accurately identify an employee, who has access to sensitive areas, would be safer alternative rather than just a scan card. Some researchers suggest that airports should find ways to find a person on the “Do not fly List”. They have talked about having face recognition cameras that would match a face with a person on the “Do not Fly List”(3). Also another researcher presents the idea that the government should create a National ID System that requires every person living in the U.S. to have(2). It states that the two most effective options would be having an iris scan or a digital fingerprint taken(“Airport” 2). Airlines are beginning to not allow passengers to have access to there carry-on during flight or not allowed to have anything on there lap(“IU” 2). Also, some airlines are starting to not allow its passengers to use the restroom during the final hour of the

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