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Human Resources Management Plan

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Flourish and Achieve a
Human Resources Management Plan
Peter Ok
American Military University


Flourish and Achieve a
Human Resources Management Plan
Human Resource Management(HRM) involves different management functions which include: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. The main purpose is to expand the production of an organization by increasing the effectiveness of its workers in the HRM field. In the Journal of Business Strategy, "the basic mission of human resources will always be to acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the workforce with the business; and be an excellent contributor to the business. Those three challenges will never change." Which was observed by Edward L. Gubman. …show more content…
HR managers are more of a closer interaction by helping employees directly. HR managers help with planning different HR activities, then also manage them as well. Which involves mentoring employees through the hiring process, benefits programs, training, labor disputes, and other administrative needs important to workers within a company. HR managers, unlike the people above them, have a direct influence and positive impact on the people in a company. For people who are satisfied when they are helping others, this leads to great social benefit and the satisfaction of having a real impact on your coworkers. The HR manager has numerous responsibilities. No matter which department has the responsibility for the event, the Human Resources manager is closely involved in decisions, implementation, and review. The, responsibilities of the Human Resources manager may include the …show more content…
Also, they deal with someone who is good with people and building relationships. The position as an executive recruiter could be one of the best ways to make friends. Executive recruiters are tasked with finding and filling job openings for senior executives, which include CEOs, as well as people in vice president positions. Executive recruiters generally, get paid on retainers or paid in full after they have filled a position, and because companies are so interested in finding good senior talent, these fees can be quite high. Executive recruiters want to build solid relationships with companies that when an opening occurs, those companies call them first. Which during the point they launch their executive search, contacting other contacts in other companies for potential executives to fill that special position. Because this field is so worthwhile, it’s very competitive, so having a outgoing personality helps a

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