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Human Resourse Accounting


Submitted By sabrinasultana
Words 54154
Pages 217

The Non accounting of human resources and the change occurring therein, of an organization may provide a poor picture of the profits and profitability of the organization.
Objectives of the Study:
This unit aims to provide a basis for the conceptual framework of Human
Resource Accounting. An attempt is made to highlight the following aspects.
 Development of the Concept of HRA
 An Historical Score Card
 Meaning and Definition of HRA
 Importance
 Objectives of Human Resource Accounting
 Limitations of Human Resource Accounting
 HRA for managers & HR Professionals
 Investment in Human Resources
 Quality of Work Force and Organizations‟ Performance
 Efficient use of Human Resource
 Enumerating the Assets
 Calculating the Market Value of Assets
 Human Capital.

To ensure growth and development of any orgnisation, the efficiency of people must be augmented in the right perspective. Without human resources,

the other resources cannot be operationally effective. The original health of the organization is indicated by the human behaviour variables, like group loyalty, skill, motivation and capacity for effective interaction, communication and decision making.
Men, materials, machines, money and methods are the resources required for an organization. These resources are broadly classified into two categories, viz., animate and inanimate (human and physical) resources. Men, otherwise known as the human resources, are considered to be animate resources. Others, namely, materials, machines, money and methods are considered to be inanimate or physical resources.
The success or otherwise of an organization depends on how best the scarce physical resources are utilized by the human resource. What is important here is that the physical resources are being activated by

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