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Humanitarian Intervention In Rwanda Genocide

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The consequences of the atrocities on neighbouring states is a significant, yet often ignored, aspect of the post-genocide recovery. In the days following the end of the Genocide, two million refugees fled Rwanda into neighbouring countries, which is believed to be the fastest migration in history. As a result, refugee camps formed in neighbouring countries, the most notable of which were those in Zaire (present day DRC). The nature of Operation Turquoise meant that the Hutu Elite were able to escape alongside these fleeing civilians and seize control of these refugee camps, allowing them to monopolise aid and turn refugees who wanted to return to Rwanda into “quasi-hostages”. These camps also placed the refugees in “squalid” conditions, …show more content…
It is argued that if the UNAMIR peacekeeping force were reinforced in these early months, as urged by Belgium and justified by the flood of warnings, the genocide could have been prevented. If preventative measures were not taken, but the international community stepped in in the early weeks of the conflict, it is believed that anywhere from 125,000-600,000 lives could have been saved. This intervention would be plausible given centralised nature of the genocide operation meaning that stemming the violence in Kigali would have stopped the violence around the state by signalling international resistance to the extermination plan, discouraging civilian participation, and placing insurmountable challenges to the Hutu leadership in continuing their genocidal campaign. Even if a minimal intervention was taken weeks into the killing, it is believed that up to 75,000 lives could have been saved. Alternatively, if international leaders continued to reject a military course of action, the US could have provided radio-jamming technology to halt the radio broadcasts that coordinated and perpetuated the atrocities, however this was considered a non-starter by The Pentagon due to the cost of the operation and vulnerability of the equipment in Rwandan airspace. Thus, the international community, and the US in particular, failed to take plausible alternative causes of actions that could have saved thousands of lives. This failure led the international community to reconsider their humanitarian intervention principles, and the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) was established. The ICISS formulated a shift away from a “right to intervene” towards a focus on the “Responsibility to Protect (R2P)”. The R2P doctrine obliges the international community to protect citizens from

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