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Hunger Games Dystopia

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YA Dystopia's Teach Children To Submit to the Free Market The main argument I see from this article is, as the title says, teaching children to conform to the right wing mindset that adults already have, in a way, programmed into their minds as a way they've grown up with. The way they describe The Hunger Games is a liberal set world that has gone wrong and plays into the minds that a laissez-faire existence would leave society with a better standing. From my understanding of the Hunger Games franchise, I would argue that the author is completely correct in their speculations. The novels are left up to each reader's decision and in my humble opinion, I would come to conclusions from the book that it's focal points leave readers with the message …show more content…
Our fault as a nation when we pick up a book is to see the characters by a default “white” unless said otherwise and thus resulted to the issue some fans encountered when Rue was announced to be black girl (despite the physical description in the novel). These said readers were shown to have preconceptions about this kind of casting where they didn't think a black girl with her natural, curly hair could be as innocent as the mistaken blonde girl they were imagining and thus rejected the notion that this was a fit for the concepts illustrated in the story about District 11's set up. As a person of color it really hits home when Adam adds the remark, “Remember that word innocent? This is why Travon Martin is dead.” Not only does it show the insensitivity of our culture, it's a constant reminder that despite our progressiveness, the country has yet another problem among the people who live here that need to be worked out somehow, someway. One could argue that Collins should have made it more explicit when she introduced Rue and Thresh so such a problem wouldn't happen or a novel should be made where it's specifically sectioned off from the beginning that the people of the novel are focused on being people of …show more content…
Collins put Gale and Peeta on two different ends of the spectrum of masculinity and Katniss plays outside of the one-sided norm as she shows traits of femininity in combination with masculinity. This changes throughout the book due to the need to play into the medias hands which in western society is true to how gender roles pan out through other forms of media. There was a part of Katniss' original character before the Games that seemed to be lost at the end of the book her character fell into the heteronormative trope. One could possibly counter upon Peeta's brainwashing how his marginalized masculinity was affects or go further into the distinction of if the times Gale showed a lighter side could be defined as marginalized undertones in his hegemonic focused

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