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Telemedicine: A Case Study

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Telemedicine is the newest wave of technology entering into the healthcare industry. It provides a variety of benefits for the patients, as well as the providers. Telemedicine explores the management of health by using video conferencing, cellular or mobile devices, email, and other wireless technologies. Telemedicine increases accessible care to patients in areas physicians cannot physically reside (Konschak & Jarrell, 2011). The American Telemedicine Association (ATA), which was founded in 1993, prides itself on encouraging medical societies, healthcare professionals, and technology groups to use telemedicine as a new method of patient care. Telemedicine has many uses but one of the biggest is managing chronic conditions. Chronic diseases …show more content…
In a perfect world, telemedicine can transform the world of healthcare if used correctly to successfully manage chronic health conditions and prevent patient readmissions. In this paper, I will discuss characteristics needed to implement a telemedicine program to improve care throughout a community. Most rural or desolate geographical locations are the places that receive inadequate healthcare. Living in the city, there is more access to healthcare, however, the poor communities along with the rural areas, are the regions that lack standard healthcare.
Implementing a telemedicine program can allow patients to have a videoconference with their physicians or specialists they may not have transportation to see in a doctor’s office. This also gives patients the ability to go pick up supplies at their leisure. Catering to the majority population is the main goal in implementing a telemedicine program. Konschak & Jarrell (2011) identified methods to fully utilize telemedicine. Extending programs to our army veterans where they can monitor traumatic brain inuries via their cell phone or HelloHeatlh—a program for specifically uninsured patients—that allows patients to see doctors and their payment rates are based upon which doctor they need to see. Communication for this particular prgram is video chat, email, or in person (Konschak & Jarrell,

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