...Eradication of Poverty and Extreme Hunger Not everyone is born into a rich family. Those lucky enough to have been born into one have a responsibility to help those not so blessed. The United Nations' job is just that. They are an international agency whose aim is to eliminate poverty, illiteracy, and disease, stop environmental destruction, and encourage democratic rights and freedoms. Poverty and extreme hunger are something that are affecting most country in the world; no matter how big or small, rich or poor. This issue causes the most pain today, and is also the biggest threat to a person's future. Eradicating poverty and extreme hunger are the top priority of the United Nations in the 21st century because it will reduce the amount of malnutrition in people and improve their education. One of the reasons why poverty and extreme hunger must be eradicated is because without it there would be a dramatic drop in the number of malnourished people around the world. Poverty and hunger can affect young and old and is the biggest contributor to malnutrition. This can be seen in the Central American country of Guatemala. The Guatemala Poverty Assessment states that, "There is a strong correlation between poverty and malnutrition, as four fifths of malnourished children are poor" (Guatemala Poverty). In politics, a 66% super majority is rarely required when deciding on an issue because of the difficulty in achieving it. Therefore, when a supermajority is achieved, it can always...
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...eModule 1 or 2 to guide your reflection: 1.2 Reflect on and discuss some of the underlying causes of world hunger? * Historical Factors * Cultural Factors * Structural Factors * Critical Factors (Germov, 2014, p. 7, 8). During this assessment I am going to be using the factors from Germovs Sociological Imagination template. Step 2: Reflect upon and analyse your experiences in relation to the topic of the question from step 1, using factors from Willis’ Sociological Imagination Template. There are many factors that are involved in the underlying causes of world hunger some factors include: environmental conditions such as climate change, high temperatures and humidity, natural disasters, land rights, lack of democracy and ownership, crop insect infestations, famine, war and corruption, economic causes, socio cultural causes, microbial growth, excessive food wastage, political and governmental factors, limited access to education and educational supplies and a lack of infrastructure and thus no way to manufacture products or ship them to the rest of the world (Holland, 2013). World hunger and the underlying causes are advertised in various ways on a daily basis through social media. These charity organizations primarily target the impacts and effects world hunger has on the world population. Charities promoting hunger have defiantly made me visualise world hunger in a different aspect, opening my eyes to the massive worldwide issue affecting many lives right this moment...
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...Ben Martinez Professor Chavez Mexican History II May 2, 2015 Book Critique The Hunger Of Memory: And the Education of Richard Rodriguez “Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez” is an autobiography, that vividly paints and reveals a journey in which Rodriguez withstood numerous struggles in order to become the American he is currently known for. He endured what most would call a life set up for failure, yet he challenged himself and transformed from a young Mexican American to a genuine man. However Rodriguez remembers his own experience being a minority, questioning his own value and self as he grew older. Through his narrative we are able to see his core obstacle of learning to become the ideal American. Rodriquez consistently...
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...people die every day which caused by problems like hunger and lack of medical care. Western countries are defined as the country that located at western hemisphere affairs such as United Kingdom, Europe, Canada, and America (Worldatlas, year unknown). These countries organise various projects to eradicate these issues so that poverty can be solved. Global poverty is defined as a lack of material wealth needed to maintain existence (The Three Dictionary,2011). This essay will seek to argue that western countries are doing enough to fight global poverty. These will be referenced on the three areas of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, improving the supply of medicine to those in need and providing education to young children. To begin with, western countries are doing enough to fight global poverty because they are eradicating hunger. Western countries provide food and daily needs for the poor through funding or organization like Millennium Development Goals by the United Nations. Around the world more than 2.5 billion of poor live in grinding poverty on less than $2 a day (the UN Works for People and the Planet, 2011). According to the “8 Goals For Africa Campaign”, which is established by the Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Campaign by the UN of South Africa, one of the commitments signed by the UN Millennium Declaration on September 2008 stated that they are willing to commit in abolishing extreme poverty and hunger in South Africa(End Poverty 2015 millennium...
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...Harassment: The effects of “eve teasing” on development in Bangladesh The Hunger Project • 5 Union Square West • New York, NY 10003 • www.thp.org Imagine for a moment that you are an eleven year old girl in Bangladesh. After helping your mother cook and serve breakfast, you are preparing for school. You should be excited. You like learning and school provides a reprieve from the drudgery of household chores. But you are not excited. Instead, you are filled with dread. That is because every day, on the long walk from your house to school, you are surrounded and teased by a group of boys. The boys yell indecent things at you. They laugh. They push, pinch, and grab at you. Sometimes they pull at your clothes so violently that you are afraid they will be ripped right off of your body. By the time you get to school, your face is hot with humiliation and your eyes sting with the fear that you will have to go through the whole thing again on the walk home. *** The Insidious Everyday Reality Sexual harassment, often known as “eve teasing”, is a regular occurrence for the women and girls of Bangladesh. A recent study by the Bangladesh National Women Lawyers’ Association (BNWLA) showed that almost 90 percent of girls aged 10-18 have undergone the experience. The harassment can take a variety of forms and the perpetrators come from multiple walks of life; they are rich and poor, educated and uneducated; according to the BNWLA study, teenage boys, rickshaw pullers, bus drivers...
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...TO: Salvador Rameriz FROM: xxx DATE: December 8, 2013 SUBJECT: Charitable Giving of Target and Walmart The aim of this project was to compare and contrast the charitable practices between Target Corporation and Walmart. This report presents the charitable giving of these two corporations. For the past few years, both Target and Walmart had become major contributors that give back to the community. Introduction The Target Corporation was founded by George Dayton in 1902 and headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It is the second largest discount retailer in the United States and its first Target store was opened in 1962 in Roseville, Minnesota (Target Corporation, 2013). The company has been praised for giving back to the community with an average of 5 percent of pretax earnings consistently each year, in fat and in lean times. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., branded as Walmart, is one of the largest retailers in the world. The company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962, incorporated on October 31, 1969 and headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. After the death of its founder in 1992, Walmart and Walmart Foundation dramatically increased charitable giving (Walmart, 2013). Target Corporation Charitable Giving and Community Services Target Corporation is consistently ranked as one of the most philanthropic companies in the U.S. As the company grows, so does their...
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...Health Inquiry, Global Health Inequities Introduction: The Millennium Development Goals (or MDG) are a set of 8 goals set by the world’s nations in hope of reducing poverty by 2015. These 8 goals address poverty, education, equality, disease and the environment. Each goal has a targets and indicators we are aiming to achieve by 2015. The purpose of this report is to report on the history, objectives and constitution of the MDG’s and the success and effectiveness of the MDGs. History of MDGs: In the 1990’s the United Nation (UN) member states went through a historically extraordinary UN press conference process. This conference was aimed at building consensus on development priorities for the 21st century. However, at the end of the 1990’s the governments of the conference experienced conference fatigue and feared the process launched by the conferences was losing steam. In September 2000 in New York there was a large gathering of world leaders called the Millennium Summit. This was the largest gathering of world leaders in history including 189 UN member-states. At the Millennium Summit the United Nation Millennium Declaration was adopted as a result of a series of global conferences held during the 1990’s. The UN saw the Millennium Summit as an opportunity to bring back the development of priorities for the 21st century. It was at this Millennium Summit that the Millennium Declaration set in motion a global partnership and was signed by 147 heads of states....
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...MDG- Environmental Sustainability Article- Governing for Sustainability Governance in simple terms means “the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented.” As governance pertains to the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented, an analysis of governance focuses on formal and informal mechanisms that are set in place to manage social, political and economic relationships. Governance therefore encompasses complex systems structured as hierarchies with centralized and structured chain of communications with collective decision making. One truism that can be drawn from governance is that it is differs from place to place and system to system. Good governance usually is based on some characteristics like it is consensus oriented, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, allows specialization. It is responsive to the present and future needs of the society. Environmental sustainability involves making decisions and taking actions that are in the interest of protecting the natural world with emphasis on preserving the capability of the environment. Environmental sustainability is not just about reducing the amount of waste or using less energy, but it’s concerned with developing processes that will lead to a sustainable future. Many cities are responsible for polluting the environment in ways that are not sustainable. Environmental sustainability forces people to look beyond short term gains and look...
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...Matrix Health Care Law Hunger-free Kids Act of 2010 Describe the health care law (75 to 150 words) The Hunger-free kids act is a nutrition program that provides all children with healthy food in school and to low income families. Because of this act schools are playing a larger role in children’s health. Included in this legislation other programs that focus on hunger has come into play such as: Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Woman, Infants and Children (WIC), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Summer Food Service Program, After School Meal Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed). The programs under the Hunger-free kids act do not have a specific expiration date however, the Congress will periodically review and reauthorize funding that is allocated to the program. Analyze the importance of the law (75 to 150 words) The Hunger-free kids act was a key step for our nation’s toward the effort to provide all children with healthy food and education about healthy food. This program is so important because millions of children now receive meals through the school lunch program and the other programs that are attached to it. There are so many people especially children living in food insecure households and the rate of child hood obesity is at an all-time high. Through legislation there has been improvements and provisions that provide healthier and more nutritious food options, education and to help children make...
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...Aayush Sutaria Mr. V English 1 Acc 10/20/15 Hunger As Richard Wright, author of the memoir Black Boy, once stated, “Hunger has always been more or less at my elbow when I played, but now I began to wake up at night to find hunger standing at my bedside, staring at my gauntly.” Hunger seemed to be an ever present theme in Richard's life, however Richard expresses more than just physical hunger. Richard posses the hunger for knowledge, understanding of the world and acceptance. Author, Richard Wright, cleverly intertwines these three hungers to create the force that drove and influenced Richard to become the man he was before he met his unfortunate doom. Richard's hunger for knowledge was the single most important obstacle Richard...
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...country because it would become a "city upon a hill", watched by the world (John Winthrop: "A Modell of Christian Charity", 2007). Although the term does not necessarily imply superiority, many political leaders and writers have coined its use in that sense. Naturally, others hold the position that America is not really exceptional at all. In fact, after taking a cursory glance at some of the issues that our leaders are charged to correct, we can easily peel off the loftier label and replace it with a more humbling phrase. To begin, America’s hunger issue is a strong reason to reduce our loftier standing. It is not impressive that in a country without drought or famine and with enough food and money to feed the world twice over 1-in-8 of our own people struggle to put food on its table (Berg, 2009). Also, in 2010, 4.8 percent of all U.S. households (5.6 million households) accessed emergency food from a food pantry one or more times (Hunger & Poverty Statistics). Reducing these numbers will be an exceptional task. The crime problem in the U.S. also keeps the country from meriting a prouder classification over other nations. One cause is its readiness to lock up its citizens. Consider that one American adult in 100 is behind bars...
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...Hunger Data The world hunger problem: Facts, figures and statistics • In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people are living in what the World Bank has called "absolute poverty" • Every year 15 million children die of hunger • For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years • Throughout the 1990's more than 100 million children will die from illness and starvation. Those 100 million deaths could be prevented for the price of ten Stealth bombers, or what the world spends on its military in two days! • The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed one-third is starving- Since you've entered this site at least 200 people have died of starvation. Over 4 million will die this year. • One in twelve people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5. United Nations Food and Agriculture • The Indian subcontinent has nearly half the world's hungry people. Africa and the rest of Asia together have approximately 40%, and the remaining hungry people are found in Latin America and other parts of the world. Hunger in Global Economy • Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion - a majority of humanity - live on less than $1 per day, while the world's 358 billionaires have assets exceeding the combined annual incomes of countries with 45 percent of the world's people. UNICEF ...
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...individuals depend on food banks is their social economic status of lower class and poverty. Although this is a big contributor, there are many more major social determinants that contribute to food bank usage outside of social economic status designation. I believe the other three most important determinants that contribute to usage of food banks are education, employment/working conditions and physical/social environment. The different levels of education a person may have can greatly impact a person’s quality of life in regards to food insecurities. However, a larger percentage of food bank users are individuals who have higher levels of education. A key reason for this is caused by the many professionals who have a foreign education and cannot find work in their field in Canada because their foreign credentials are not recognized (Daily Bread Food Bank, 2010). As well as this, more people with university degrees from Canadian institutions are also turning to food banks due to not being able to use their higher education to find stable employment (Daily Bread Food Bank, 2010). Although a person has a higher level of education, it does not mean that they are successful in finding a job to utilize their knowledge and skills. Nearly four million Canadians work in sales and service jobs, they earn, on average, $17,700 per year, compared to $34,100 in manufacturing (Food Banks Canada, 2013). This is mostly because work has become lower paid, more temporary and more uncertain...
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...can be malnourished because of income level, and are forced to eat unhealthy foods with little nutritional value. The World Hunger Education Service explains that overnutrition can be a form of malnutrition, in which people are extremely overweight, which is what we see a lot of in first world countries (World Hunger, 2016a). In reference to population pressure, I believed that we are going to have to find new innovative ways to continue to meet the demand for food. Some changes may come through biotechnology, and other changes may come from more education about how to grow your own food (gardening, hunting/fishing etc..) and from less waste....
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...globalization are global decisions, policies, and practices. These are typically influenced, driven, or formulated by the rich and powerful. These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions, and influential people. In the face of such enormous external influence, the governments of poor nations and their people are often powerless. As a result, in the global context, a few get wealthy while the majority struggle. Poverty Facts And Stats Most of humanity lives on just a few pennies a day. Whether you live in the wealthiest nations in the world or the poorest, you will see high levels of inequality. The poorest people will also have less access to health, education and other services. Problems of hunger, malnutrition and disease afflict the poorest in society. The poorest are also typically marginalized from society and have little representation or voice in public and political debates, making it even harder to escape...
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