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Huntington's Disease Research Paper

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According to The Huntington's Disease Society of America Huntington's disease is an inherited disorder that results in the progressive loss of both mental facilities and physical control. The symptoms of Huntington's disease can range anywhere from behavioral issues such as mood swings or a total change of personality to loss of coordination or even trouble swallowing. “Huntington's disease is caused by inheriting a mutation in The HTT gene” (Genetics Home Reference). At this point in time there is no cure for Huntington's but there has been some progress in slowing down the disease.
“People who are diagnosed with Huntington's disease don’t usually have any signs or symptoms until they are between the ages of thirty to fifty” ( In some very rare cases the symptoms can start in childhood. This type of the disease progresses much faster and the teenager or child who gets it usually only lives ten to fifteen years after being diagnosed. “In the early stages of Huntington's the most common symptoms are poor memory, depression, lack of coordination, and …show more content…
When going through this process the doctor will ask questions regarding the person’s motor skills, mood, memory, emotional state and questions regarding sense of smell, touch, hearing and taste. If the person shows signs of having Huntington's disease then the doctor may order a test such as a MRI. Then he may suggest genetic counseling so he can see if the person carries the specific gene that causes the disease. Also if someone in the person’s family has had Huntington's before and the person being tested wants to know if they carry the gene they can do something called a predictive genetic test. Some people do this because of the stress of not knowing or so they can make decisions on whither to have children or

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