...| Project Risk, Communication and DocumentationCourse Project: Week 5 | PM 586: Project Management SystemsInstructor: Rich EllimanShari HollowayFebruary 16, 2012 | | | | | ------------------------------------------------- Huntsville, Alabama ------------------------------------------------- Production Plant Communication Plan Risk Management – Step #1 Risk Matrix Identification | Assessment | Response Plan | Risk | Consequence | Probability | Impact | Trigger | Resp. | Response | Cost | May not have enough in the budget | High | | | | Make sure that the Financial administrtor stay on top of the allocated budget and try to communicate how to cut cost as much as possible. | Weather Permitting | Weather could put a hold on building the foundation and or areas of the building | Moderate | | | | Assure that the PM’s along with the Team Members are monitoring the weather within a 24 hr advance period. | Physical Events beyond Control | Contractors... Get injured Sick or They are not able to obtain building permit or license. | Moderate | | | | Train Personnel on safety and mishaps, talk to the PM’s and TM’s about the importance of | Manufacturing of Equip /purchasing of equipment | Equipment does not arrive on time or not the correct equipment. | High | | | | Reorder the correct equipment and estimate the turn around time of getting the equipment so the delay won’t be weeks.Talk with Safety Inspectors daily...
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...Course Project – Week 4 Essay Questions After inputting the variable cost information for the resources (manpower) used such as; the project manager, general contractor and the manufacturing engineer and the fixed costs assigned to project deliveries such as; $32,000 for building design, a construction of $2,100,000 and $780,000 for plant equipment. At this point it would appear that with a proposed budget limit of $2,750,000 set by the company’s Board of Directors that we are on target with an estimated total budget of $2,633,532 for the Huntsville Plant Project. As you can see we don’t have very much room (budgetary) for any missteps therefore, it will be necessary for very member of the team monitor and control individual budgets and areas of responsibility. Within the Huntsville project is divided into key project phases and probably the most important phase to ensure the success of the entire project is the planning phase. There a few critical deliverables that must be completed within the ten (10) weeks set aside for planning. Just to point out a few key “must happens” such as; procure the plant’s worksite, obtain all needed permits and approvals and the selection of an general contractor not to say we can relax or slack on any part of the project’s tight budget and schedules, again the planning phase is only ten weeks with a budget of only $285,754 the project’s first test. After the planning phase is the preparation phase were the project is really defined and...
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...Huntsville Project Plan MISSION: Located in Northern part of California, Huntsville Plant as of today packages variety of foods (e.g. canned goods, dry foods etc.) that is delivered by different manufacturers. Their new plant consists of 100 employees and several management staff that oversees the operation. The building they've occupied is a huge warehouse and the existing LAN cabling requires major upgrade. Walter Seitz (sponsor) would like a Wireless Local Area Network WLAN to be installed to immediately set-up the different departments to begin operation before replacing the outdated cabling infrastructure. Scope: The investment project for SEITZ Corporation is the construction of a new plant to operate in Huntsville, Alabama. In order to capitalize on potential growth and meet its strategic plan, the project will begin April 17, 20011 with an expected completion date of June 30, 2011. Total operating capital for the project is $2,750,000. For the project to be considered complete, the following deliverables must be met: Project Deliverables include * Select resources such as: Architect, Real Estate Consultant, and General Contractor * Recruit and Train Managers for Huntsville Plant * Create a Pre-Production and Production Plan * Create a Building Concept and Design * Procure Building Site, Permits, and Appropriate Approvals * Construct the Huntsville Plant Building * Landscaping on Site * Personnel Recruiting for Plant Operations...
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...Essay Question #1: Will the Huntsville Plant Project be ready by the June 30, 2012 deadline set by the board of directors? What options might be open to ensure this deadline is met, if the current schedule indicates the Huntsville plant project will not be ready in time? The Huntsville Plant Project starts on April 18, 2011. This is the early start date for the project. If the scheduled activities for the development of the project, the projected June 30, 2012 start date set by the board of directors would be successfully accomplished The critical path of the project is the Plant Readiness Phase. This phase has a total of 40 weeks of completion. The procurement of equipment which has duration of 24 weeks can be completed upon completing the predecessors of creating a project plan. In order for the equipment to be installed, the building construction, recruitment of plant personnel, and procurement of equipment need to be completed on time. The construction of the building is scheduled to be completed within the period of 40 weeks. The development of the building design, obtaining necessary permits and approvals, and preparation of the site are critical steps that need to be on schedule for the smooth flow of the Huntsville Plant Project development. Following the AIB simulation, the critical path (CP) is established above. The early start (ES) is April 18, 2011. The late start (LS) is not identified in the narrative. However, the project can handle a late start date...
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...Week 4 Project 1. The total budget for the project that I was able to gather from MS Project is a total of $2,616,807.05 . Yes, the project is still under budget of the original budget of $2,750,000 set by the board of directors. 2. The planning phase budget is: $280,883.71 The duration of the planning phase is 10 weeks. 3. The budget for the preparation phase is: $1,280,586.00 The duration of the preparation phase is 47 weeks 4. Key performance indicators are critical to the successful completion of our project and measure progress of our ultimate goal. In order to assure our project launching is on track, quantifiable measurements are a must. Feedback of team leaders in all areas is essential to assure all stakeholders involved are working in synergy towards to main goal. It is imperative that we measure results of hard-to-measure activities as well as more simple activities in an accurate and simple way. Some of the simple key indicators that I would monitor and control are: -How accurately the schedule is being followed. -How closely are we to the predetermined budget? -How many tasks do we have left? -How many tasks have been completed? Knowing the answers to these questions will create key performance indicators that are easy to follow and interpret. A more technical approach towards key performance indicators might be: -Monitor business resources to assure they are being used in in a way that gains a return on investment. -Monitor...
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...Project Name | | Project Number | | Project Manager | | Prioritization | | Owner(s) | | Start Date: | | Scheduled Completion Date: | | Mission | The construction of a new Seitz plant in Huntsville, AL that will be operational by June 30, 2012. | | Scope | Included in Scope: * Selection of Project Resources: Ex (Architect, Real Estate Consultant, and General Contractor) * Training of Huntsville plant managers. * Pre-Production and Production Planning * Building Concept and Design * Procurement of Building Site, Permits, and Appropriate Approvals * Construction of the Huntsville Plant Building * Site Landscaping * Personnel Recruitment for Plant Operation Positions * Procurement of Equipment, Raw Material and Truck Fleet * Equipment Installation * Creation of Product Distribution Plan and Pre-Production Plan * Production Start-up and DistributionNot Included in Scope: * Geothermal Heating * Solar Powered Electric Feed * Multi-Level Parking Garage * In-House Food Court * Construction of Separate Distribution Facility | | Objectives | To expand Seitz Corporation in accordance with the Company’s Strategic plan set by the Board of Directors by construction of a new plant in Huntsville, Alabama, within a budget of $2,750,000, which is to be operational by June 30, 2012.The aforementioned strategic plan is listed below in order of priority.1. Double total sales within the next decade. 2. Develop and market new products based...
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...Project Scope: The expansion project for JS Corporation to spread out its operations in Huntsville, Alabama in order to capitalize on potential growth and meet its strategic plan will begin April 17, 2006 with an expected completion date of June 16, 2007. An amount of 25,000 sq. ft. will be renovated in the existing "Boeing Corporation" facility. Total operating capital for the project is $3,450,000. For the project to be considered complete, the following deliverables must be met: Project Deliverables include • A completely operational manufacturing and distribution facility • Acquisition of equipment required for production and distribution • Meet and/or exceed all building code and safety standards • Complete testing equipment • Extensive walk through 1 week before completion and sign off by management. • Recruiting and training of new personnel. • Provide all appropriate Permits and approvals Management Plan The Board of Directors will be responsible for the final approval of the project and will determine the success level at completion. The Program Team will facilitate risk probabilities and scope changes. This committee will meet with the Project Manager should cost or duration problems arise. The Production Management is responsible for the plant operations and will conduct the final inspection and audit, which will be presented to the Program Team and the Board of Directors. Completion will be judged based upon success of the pre-production...
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...To determine whether the Huntsville Plant Project can be done by its required completion time, calculation of the projects earliest and latest dates was required to figure out the project’s completion date. As a result, the project will be ready by the end of 2009 and will even meet the June 30, 2010 deadline set by the board of directors. According to my finding, the project will actually be completed earlier than scheduled. In most case, this is not usually normal for a project to result like the Huntsville project but instead be delayed and not meeting the projects deadline. When placed in a situation as this there are several things that should be kept in mind to ensure a project will be ready to meet its deadlines on time. One suggestion to consider is to make sure that all project team members are aware of the projects objectives and their own role in the project. In doing this it will alleviate any misunderstanding, and uncertainties that are likely to occur through the project. Another suggestion to be considered is the utilization of key tools such as risk management, scope management, proactive communication, and issue management to ensure that a project deadline is met. If properly utilized these key tools there is no 100% guarantee that the project will be prevented from being delayed. However, it will guide the project manager and team member on how to properly handle a situation that might occur. After much research, I will discuss in this paper how utilizing...
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...Running head: PM586_ESSAY QUESTIONS PM586_ESSAY QUESTIONS Maggie Larocque Keller Graduate School of Management Abstract This project schedule for the Huntsville Plant has been completed. The task sequencing as well as the duration of each activity has been assigned with its predecessors. As each phase has been completed, the resource list has been loaded and aligned to each task. This report will analyze the results of the project schedule and resource allocation. An analysis of the Gantt chart reveals that the estimated duration of each activity and when it will be completed. At this time, the estimated completion date is scheduled for July 15, 2012. This will be after the projected deadline of June 30, 2012. An analysis of the Gantt Chart also shows a number of the activities are deemed as critical tasks. We also note that during the Planning Phase, a there are quite a few tasks that are scheduled during non-working hours; we recommend rescheduling the tasks so that they occur during working time. There are also a number of potential scheduling problems with other tasks that may be responsible for delayed start date. Our text, states some critical success factors when scheduling (Gido, p.179): • The estimated duration for an activity must be based on the types and quantities of resources required to perform the activity. • Activities should not be longer in estimated duration than the time intervals at which the actual progress will be reviewed and...
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...HUNTSVILLE ALABAMA PROJECT: Organizational Structure Angel Menchaca Professor Yates Keller Graduate School of Management 8/17/12 Once an organization finds its organization structure, it will help put them on the road to success. There are three primary project management organizational structures to choose from, which include: functional, matrix, and pure project. Every organizational structure has advantages as well as disadvantages, but choosing the correct structure can help implement a successful project. The Seitz Corporation has allocated funding for a structured project team to develop a plastics plant in Huntsville, Alabama. The board of directors has employed their ideal matrix style-organizational structure in order to create a distributing plant in a relatively short time frame. Although there could possibly be dilemmas and shortcomings of this type of leadership, the benefits could save the team and the project as it comes across risks and other events that could halt progress entirely. As it appears, the Board of Directors has chosen to run with a combination of functional and project style leadership. Taking the benefits of these two styles, they have developed a matrix style structure that envelopes the sole leadership of a project manager, and a multifaceted group of functional experts that are specialists in their related job tasks. There are some indications that the project team is not utilized anywhere else other than the project; in addition, most...
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...Project Scope Statement Project Name Huntsville Plant Project Number #1 Project Manager Prioritization Top priority Owner(s) Johann & Walter Seitz Project Description In January 2010, the board of directors of SEITZ Corporation decided to select an investment project that would best achieve the strategic goals in the next fiscal year. The project that was selected is the construction of a new plant in Huntsville, Alabama. Walter Seitz is the Project Sponsor. $2,750,000 has been budgeted for this effort, and it should begin by April 18, 2011 and should be fully operating by June 30, 2012. Project Product This section is typically an amplification of the product description from the Project Charter. Project Deliverables 1) Select resources such as: Architect, Real Estate Consultant, and General Contractor. 2) Recruit and Train Managers for Huntsville Plant. 3) Create a Pre-Production and Production Plan. 4) Create a Building Concept and Design. 5) Procure Building Site, Permits, and Appropriate Approvals. 6) Construct the Huntsville Plant Building. 7) Landscaping on Site. 8) Personnel Recruiting for Plant Operations. 9) Procure Equipment, Raw Material and Truck Fleet 10) Install Equipment. 11) Create Product Distribution Plan and Pre-Production Plan. 12) Start Up Production and Distribution Project Objectives To expand Seitz Corporation in accordance with the Company’s Strategic plan set by the Board of Directors by construction of a...
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...|Project Name |Huntsville Plant |Project Number |XXX | |Project Manager |Ahmad Malal |Prioritization |High | |Owner(s) |Johann Seitz |Start Date: |April 18, 2011 | | | | | | |Scheduled Completion |June 30, 2012 | |Date: | | |Mission | | |The purpose of this project is to construct anew plant so the strategic goals set in place will be met in the next fiscal year. | |Scope | | |In Huntsville, Alabama a new plant will be constructed accommodate for the increased number of sales the company is reaching for, room for new products | |that will be available, increased productivity and to house supplies so dependency on others will no longer be a factor. ...
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...Huntsville Project Organizational Structure Essay James M. Reska Keller-PM 586 – Project Management August 19, 2012 Huntsville Project Organizational Structure Essay The success of an organization relies primarily on its organizational structure. There are three basic organizational structures; of course, there exists organizational structures that combine pieces of these three. It is my belief that no two organizations are perfectly identical. Each one requires fine tuning specifically tailored to the needs of that company. The matrix structure is used primarily for “project driven” companies, especially construction companies it combines both functional and pure project structures, each team member has two bosses; the project manager and the functional manager. The SEITZ Corporation has chosen to invest in the construction of a new plant in the next fiscal year believing that this investment is the best way to achieve the strategic goals outlined in their Project Charter. Therefore, the most feasible way for them to achieve success in this endeavor is to establish their construction/investment project as a matrix organization. Within a matrix organization there are certain ground rules that must be adhered to; participants must spend full time on projects, there must exist vertical and horizontal channels in place for making...
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...HUNTSVILLE NEW PLANT PROJECT AGENDA ESSAY As the Project manager I will be holding a status review meeting with the following topics in the agenda. Status reports, project schedule updates, identify possible solutions and risks, impact of risk to project objective, determine if any problems have been solved, and meeting minutes. Written communication would be through email and paper hard copies. Verbal communication would be utilized through face-to-face contact and via phone. Project managers need to take time to prepare for the meeting well in advance. The first thing on my list would be to send out a reminder email three days prior to meeting time and location along with a prepared agenda and outline of meeting topics to send via email to all team members. Ask all team members to bring their updates and concerns to meeting. Gather all paper work with special interest to this project and the latest updates and possible risks that have been identified. Prepare colored power point slides as visual aids for team members if possible. Visual aids help see the topics more clearly and keep the audience alert and provide more effective communication. It is also very important to start the project meeting on time. Team members need to become familiar with the start of meeting times and know that when they show late the project manager will not hold the meeting for them. As the meeting starts the project manager should make sure that everyone has an agenda...
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...Huntsville Project Communication Plan Tanya Irizarry Keller Graduate School of Management With any project it is important to communicate what is needed to reach the project’s objective. The project manage should regularly send out some type of communication via email or meeting to keep the team abreast of the projects progression. The Communication Plan can be verbal or written. Below is the communications plan for this project: VERBAL COMMUNICATION | WHAT | WHEN | WHERE | OWNER | ATTENDEES | MORNING/AFTERNOON HUDDLE | 0:700/15:00 | On site Trailer | Tanya IRIZARRY (pm) | STEVE POKORSKI, JOE DOWNS, RHONDA SMITH MARY DOONAN TANYA IRIZARRY | WRITTEN COMMUNICATION | WHAT | WHEN | METHOD OF DELIVERY | SENDER | RECEIVER | Email | as NEEDED TO identify any changes that cannot wait for the am or pm meetings | electronic | any of the preliminary team members | statkeholders, production crew, project manager and the preliminary team | The communications plan will allow for important information to flow to the team members with ease. The project manager will hold the initially meeting with the preliminary team, the sponsor Walter Seitz and his board of director to discuss the project’s objective, so that everyone will be on the same page. After the initial meeting the daily meetings will be held at 0:700 and 15:00. The 0:700 meeting will be the discussion of the progress for the day before and to let the let the crew know what task need to be accomplish for...
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