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Huynh Truong Research Paper

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As a Huynh Truong, I want to build a relationship between the youth and me with God. By forming a relationship with the youth, I can gain their trust and lead them beyond. By beyond, I mean living the life of a Christian. Hopefully different option of how other did it may help me achieve this goal. It can be done though the teaching of the gospel, having special opportunities, and giving them incentives. The first idea is to teach them the gospel which will give them the opportunity to learn more about being a Christian. The bible has so many events that take place at different time. If we look far back near 20 A.D, Jesus had been preaching the gospel and had form great relationships with the people. To accomplish what he did, I must know the word of God from the bible. Each day I would try to associate God words with the children life. The verse Roman 5:8 from the bible mentioned, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” With this verse, I can just walk up to any child and tell them how much God love them and how much I care for them as well. Sometimes it is hard forming a relationship with the children if there’s little opportunities. …show more content…
Bible studies help children get to know God word that may help them in the future life. By teaching them about the verse, it will provide them with assurance and they would seek help from God. The same goes for games, children love games. Games will help us build bonds by implementing history from the bible. I’ve heard that many people get along well playing games and it helps you get out of your comfort zone. In result, I get to learn about each individual children and know what they want. It’s best to know about these children pretty well or else your relationship may start off bad. Sometime incentive may come in handy when trying to form a relationship with

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