...Situating Kava and Toyota Kava is an island in the South Pacific. Primarily a tourist destination, Kava’s economy revolves around this industry. Nik is a student in one of Kava’s universities. A senior in Marketing, he hopes to find work in as soon as graduation comes along in order to help his family. As of the moment he is an intern at a local Toyota dealership working under the guidance of Alex, a junior manager who oversees Toyota’s marketing relations. So far, Nik has worked under Alex arranging ads for Toyota with the local newspapers and TV stations as well as arrangements for sponsorships. Alex welcomes new ideas from his staff, even interns. Fresh ideas he believes are always a good source for the next best marketing move. The Proposal Nik, eager to help sustain tourism in Kava as well as become a ‘full-time’ recruit within the Toyota dealership proposed a marketing plan that would help in sustainable Tourism as well as market Toyota’s products. Kava, he believes as an island cannot sustain heavy traffic congestion. In addition, gasoline and...
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...because of my concern with the number of food borne illnesses. I’m a single mom of two and I want to make sure that my family isn’t exposed to food borne illnesses. Also, being in the Military and deploying it’s crucial that the FDA step in to make sure that food that’s supplied for us to eat while deployed is within standards. On one of my deployment we were hit with a case of salmonella poisoning that shut down a good portion of the base because of sickness from consumption. We were later told that the contaminated items were on our salad bar. When in a deployed location in a foreign country the last thing you need is for your troops to be anything but ready for combat, so situations like these have to be maintained. 2) Describe the proposal/change The first rule proposed would require makers of food to be sold in the United States, whether produced at a foreign- or domestic-based facility, to develop a formal plan for preventing their food products from causing foodborne illness. The rule would also require them to have plans for correcting any problems that arise. The FDA is proposing that many food manufacturers be in compliance with the new preventive controls rules one year after the final rules are published in the Federal Register but small and very small businesses would be given additional time. The FDA also seeks public comment on the second proposed rule, which proposes enforceable safety standards for the production and harvesting of produce on farms....
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...Request for Proposal UK‐1357‐14 Proposal Due Date – 04/17/14 Environmental Health & Safety Software‐Based Research Facilities Inspection and Recordkeeping System An Equal Opportunity University REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) ATTENTION: This is not an order. Read all instructions, terms and conditions carefully. PROPOSAL NO.: Issue Date: UK-1357-14 RETURN ORIGINAL COPY OF PROPOSAL TO: 3/20/2014 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Environmental Health & Safety SoftwarePURCHASING DIVISION Based Research Facilities Inspection and 411 S LIMESTONE Title: Recordkeeping System ROOM 322 PETERSON SERVICE BLDG. Purchasing Officer: Joyce Holmberg LEXINGTON, KY 40506-0005 Phone: 859-257-9104 IMPORTANT: PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: April 17, 2014 @ 3 P.M. LEXINGTON, KY TIME. 1. NOTICE OF REQUIREMENTS The University’s General Terms and Conditions and Instructions to Bidders, viewable at www.uky.edu/Purchasing/terms.htm, apply to this RFP. When the RFP includes construction services, the University’s General Conditions for Construction and Instructions to Bidders, viewable at www.uky.edu/Purchasing/ccphome.htm, apply to the RFP. Contracts resulting from this RFP must be governed by and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Any agreement or collusion among offerors or prospective offerors, which restrains, tends to restrain, or is reasonably calculated to restrain competition by agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from offering, or otherwise, is prohibited...
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...4 Advanced Automobile Concepts Case Objective This case item requires students to identify the proper associative analysis, run it with SPSS, and interpret the findings with respect to implications for integrated case, Advanced Automobile Concepts SPSS dataset. Answers to Case Questions 1. Use each unique hybrid model demographic profile to determine whether or not statistically significant associations exist, and if they do, recommend the specific media vehicles for radio, newspaper, television, and magazines. This exercise requires students to revisit the demographic groups they found significantly different for each hybrid model style in Case 17.3. With Case 17.3, they have identified groups within the various demographic variables that characterize each hybrid model’s target market. Here, they must determine the media preferences of those groups. So, they must run crosstabs for the demographic variables and the media preferences for each vehicle. If they find a statistically significant association, they then must look at the percentages tables to determine the media vehicles that are preferred by the hybrid model target groups. Since each hybrid model has a different set of target demographic groups, we only report the significant crosstabulations. Also, the SPSS output is too large to include here, so we have created column percentage tables and used bold font to identify the preferences of each group. For radio, the significant (95% level of confidence)...
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...Hybridization • Hybridization: mating between different species or two genetically distinct populations that produces offspring, regardless of fertility of offspring Golden- and Blue-Winged Warblers Golden wingedwarbler Blue wingedwarbler Hybrid (Brewster’s Warbler) Golden- and Blue-Winged Warblers Introgression • Introgression: the incorporation of genes from one population or species to another through hybridization that results in fertile offspring that further hybridize with parental populations or species (“backcross” ) • Over several generations, introgression can result in a complex mixture of parental genes, while in simple hybridization 50% of genes will come from each of the two parental species. • Without introgression, the parental species or populations are not “contaminated” by hybridization Levels of Hybridization Population or Species A Population or Species B F1 Hybrid Backcross (1st generation) Introgression F2 Hybrid (2nd generation) Backcross Hybrid Zones • Hybrid zones are often observed in nature… Species A Species B Hybrid Zone • How are hybrid zones maintained? – Hybrids may be less fit than parental taxa and selected against, but dispersal into the zone maintains a narrow band of F1’s – Hybrids may be more fit than parental taxa in habitats that are intermediate to parental taxas’ native habitat Hybridization and Conservation • Human-caused habitat changes have resulted in distribution changes and expansions for many species • Species...
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...Organism Physiology Paper Tigers are the biggest of cats and arguably the deadliest of land predators. Solitary animals, an existence of unmatched superiority is shown in their every stride. Living in forested areas, they have adapted to hunt large animals by virtue of their size, power, and stealth among many other attributes. Hunting from birth Like all other cats, tigers show hunting behaviors early on in playing and interacting with their environment. Even the simple action of a kitten batting at a string displays the natural hunting skills of all cats. All cats also practice stealth in sneaking up on potential targets and pouncing from short distances. The difference with tigers is their incredible size and power even early on in development. Size Evolutionarily speaking, a bigger cat will be more successful in taking down a large animal like a buffalo then will a smaller cat. Natural selection has produced a very powerful animal that can reach a weight of 660 lbs. and a length of 10.9 feet (Sea World, 2012). Tigers can run up to 35 miles per hour, leap up to 20 feet horizontally, and up to 6 feet vertically (Tiger Territory, 2001, Gigantic Leaps). Coupled with sharp teeth and claws, there is no disputing the killing potential in this deadly creature. But often overlooked are the other tools at the Tigers disposal. Senses In the category of senses, a tiger does not differ much from an ordinary house cat. Heightened hearing, smell, and a visual advantage are all traits...
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...through critical management tasks. These performance measures include productivity, capacity, quality, speed of delivery, flexibility, and process velocity. Process analysis can be defined by several important characteristics of processes. Most processes use process flowcharting to represent major elements of a process that include tasks or operations, flows of materials or customers, decision points, and storage areas. Process flowcharting is the ideal methodology to begin analyzing a process. There are many types of process that a manager can use in order to gauge their organization’s performance. The hybrid process is the most common encountered today which consist of multiple stages to produce required goods and services. Within this multistage process many different types of processes can exist at each stage which is why this is a hybrid process. Process analysis can be multiple-stage processes organizations use to measure performance. Multistage processes buffers or storage areas exist between manufacturing activities. Other types of processes are The Make-to-Stock versus Make-to-Order process and the Modularization process. The Make-to-Stock versus Make-to-Order process is only activated in response to an actual order or to meet an expected or forecast demand. These...
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...several years due to its long-legged grace and unique coat of African Serval. Preview: Today, I would like to tell you a little bit more about Savannah cats. First, I will give you a brief history on how and when Savannah breed was introduced. Then I will tell you about the key characteristics of Savannah cat, and, lastly, I will give you some details on where and for how much you can buy a Savannah cat. Main Points: Transition 1: So now I will start with the brief history of Savannah cats. According to Steve Clark, the author of “The owners guide to proper care and training of Savannah Cats”, Judy Frank is recognized as the individual who introduced the first Savannah kittens to the world. * April 7, 1986 – The first litter of hybrid kittens born. * Patrick Kelly bought one of the kittens in 1989. * Partnership with Joyce Sroufe to get TICA recognition * Joyce Sroufe – first person to show a Savannah to the public. New York cat show, 1997 * Acceptance for registration with TICA in 2001. * Championship status – January 29,2012 Transition 2: So next I will talk about the key characteristic of Savannah cats. * 5 main generations – refers to how close the Savannah is to its Serval ancestor * F1,F2,F3 - high Serval percent, should not be considered as pets...
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...in the professions of your interest. Assignment: To interview for information two different people working in careers you like. Next, write a hybrid-essay and thank you letter for each interview. Directions for preparing, interviewing and writing your hybrid essay and thank you letter are listed in A - F. Read pages 75-77 in Magical Quest for an overview about informational interviews. The due dates for each interview are listed in your Course Assignments document. NOTE: Interviews with immediate family members, bosses at work, or other non-serious options will not be accepted. The career of the person you select should be a strong possibility and with an income of at least 40K per year. Also the interview needs to be completed in person (not through the internet). A. Complete these steps for your assignment: 1. Interview someone in a career you might like. Choose a career you are really interested in, not someone who will just be easy to find and that you’re not so interested in. You will complete a total of two interviews with two different people. 2. Conduct the interview at the place of employment. 3. For each interview prepare a hybrid essay and thank you letter using the directions listed for the hybrid essay under C. 4. Send your thank you letter to your interviewee (for each interview). 5. Submit your hybrid essay and thank you letter in a Word document by each due date. B. Ask these questions when conducting your interview: 1. What are your job...
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...Under the functional structure, the organization is in more of a "team" structure. For example, the company would be structured into departments such as the finance department or compliance department. This type of structure is great for those companies that are smaller in size, perhaps less than 100 employees because it relies heavily on the knowledge of all employees (Writing, 2012). With that said, sometimes having a functional structure will keep departments from communicating with the other departments because each team has a specific function. Companies with a functional structure may find themselves spending time working with the employees to “drop the communicative walls”. Medtronic, a pharmaceutical company, for example, uses a functional structure combined with a top-down approach (Kimes, 2009). In a product structure, the company is divided based on the product that the division is producing. For example, a company that produces cars may have an engine division and a transmission division because it is product-based. While the product segmentation has similar drawbacks to the functional structure, there are significantly more restrictions. A company in a product type set up is not leveraging their employees in the fullest extent; think of this as a company with “walls” up, the employees do not leave their division or “walls”; therefore, they are not taking advantage of all the employees’ knowledge. 3M – another pharmaceutical company – is product based company...
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...|PLEASE ATTACH RECENT PHOTO |[pic] | | |Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan | |APPLICATION FOR A COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIP IN SOUTH AFRICA | |1.a) TITLE (delete as applicable) |Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other | |1.b) NAME (underline surname) | | |2.a) PERMANENT ADDRESS | | | |2.b) EMAIL ADDRESS | | |3. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE (if different from above) | | | |4...
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...Program Planning and Grant Proposal HSM 270 Program Planning and Grant Proposal Working in human service fields certain individuals within the agency will be investing their time on program planning and grant proposals. Program planning is the first step in planning of a particular program in which needs funds. Program planning is a process with objectives, setting up goals and evaluation of all statistical data is measured. In this process of program planning; the team illustrates where a program or service might be needed in the community or city. It is a plan that someone or a group puts together so that the program function thoroughly. After careful ideas are secure in laid out on paper a grant proposal is the next step. The grant proposal must address the grantor’s goals, objectives and their main priorities. Through specific and clearly defined detailed information within the proposal would it be considered by the funders to be addressed. An application for a grant should include the following detailed information: 1. Table of contents 2. Abstract 3. Specific goals 4. Targeted area 5. Evaluation plan 6. Budget and budget justification 7. Community support Grants use the same basic information as with the planning of a program so that it can be approved. This process is one of the similarities between grant proposals and program planning. One difference is that a grant is a plan for money and a program plan is ideas that someone...
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...find another Harvard MBA that wanted to work in customer service. Donna took advantage of every opportunity with to advance at Apple through her direct and hard-nosed style. Donna’s individual performance was impressive. She was able to deliver results and her groups performed well on key metrics. Apple was the perfect place for Donna since being a young company light on formality that underwent frequent reorganizations. Apple’s fast growth, loose organization, and corporate culture allowed Donna to make decisions “above her pay grade” and thus demonstrate her ability to perform at higher levels of responsibility. Place yourself in Dubinsky’s position. Why did she respond the way she did to the JIT proposal? Donna could never understand why the JIT proposal was even being discussed. She didn’t see any problems in the distribution area, and thought this was a cost cutting measure by Jobs because the Mackintosh division was underperforming. Donna never understood why the reins had been taking from her hands in the first place and given to the taskforce. Donna viewed this as a direct attack on her job and remarked “I didn’t know why there should be a taskforce at all. Distribution’s our job”. In her mind everything was working so well. There was no problem to solve. What do you think she should have done differently and why? Be specific....
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...Grant Proposals It doesn’t matter if the business is just an agency, organization, for profit or non-profit they need money to operate. Profit companies focus on getting their funding through revenues and interest-bearing loans. Non-profit companies depend on grants, loans, and public generosity. It is a must to understand that non-profit agencies are businesses too and they also need a way to pay for their expenses. Writing grants is the way an agency finds funding. Either an employee professional grant writer or having administrative personnel to write the proposals, they then submit them for review to potential donors. Writing grants proposals is far from an easy to deal with. There are deadlines, awareness of what programs a funder is looking to invest their time and money into. Details for the application are an important part to writing a grant. Some are short and don’t require much information, while others require detailed description of the program. This is the grant writer’s priority to make sure that it meets requirement and all the information that is needed is there. The primary point to a proposal is that is to get their program out there and to make it clear and honest picture of the organization project for those funding and in general. The writer must convince the review committee that their program is the best to choose. Grant proposals are the entrance to a organization, and creative writing can either win the committee over or break the deal. The information...
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...THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL TEMPLATE This document has been set up to assist students in preparing the text for their research proposal. It is NOT intended as a document to guide you through your research proposal development, but to assist you in setting out the proposal, in terms of text layout, section headings and sub-sections. The Research Proposal is a complete description of the intended research, developed under the supervision of the assigned supervisor. Through the full proposal, the student needs to demonstrate convincingly that the study will make a contribution to a public health issue or problem. The full research proposal must be between 5 and 10 pages and should present the following: ▪ Title ▪ Brief Introduction ▪ Background and statement of the problem (this in the light of a thorough literature review) ▪ Research question or hypothesis, aim and objectives ▪ Study design (type of study) ▪ Study population and sampling ▪ Data collection methods and instruments ▪ Data analysis methods – if applicable statistical planning must be fully addressed, or the candidate should provide evidence that statistics are not required. ▪ Mechanisms to assure the quality of the study – e.g. control of bias, safe storage of data ▪ Study period - Timetable for completion of the project ▪ Participants in the study – all people involved in the study, and the role they play, should be identified.* ▪ Ethical considerations ▪ Resources required for the study...
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