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I Am Daoism Research Paper

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I am Taoism, also known as Daoism. I am considered both an indigenous Chinese religion and philosophy due to the “diversity of Taoist belief”. My philosophical side embraces the idea that death is the process to depart “to the Tao” and its practice area is unbounded. My religious side emphasizes more on “spirits and fitness” as a way to obtain immortality and imposes certain rules. The root word in my name is Tao, which means “way”, is the central harmony. Tao is “part of everything” yet “greater than all things”. It refers to the road extending in one direction.
Tao is not a substance nor can it be perceived. It is often described as “formless and nameless”. You could say it is a system of guidance. Tao is not God nor should it be worshipped, it is the origin of all things. Although I include several deities, they are …show more content…
Many did not believe in the existence of “gods or goddesses”; however, as time passed people started worshipping “Lao Tze and other important teachers” and the “nature”. For example, constellations and “tides”. I am categorized into many basic beliefs. For example, The One is the nature of Tao. This allows all creation “to truly be themselves” and to correspond alongside Tao. Ancient writings often call “Tao the mother and One the son”.
I contain another major belief called Wu and Yu. These are the opposite modes that manifest in Tao. Both can be implied as separately unlimited and limited. Wu is the unlimited mode while Yu is the limited.
An astonishing cosmological belief would be Tzu Jan. It is usually translated as “naturalness” in Chinese philosophy. It is the natural state where the universe constantly unfolds and develops. Often phrased as “that which is naturally so”, Tzu Jan represents the state “something will be in” when it is allowed to live “and develop naturally” without

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