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Cerebral Palsy Paper

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Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a term used to describe a group of physical disabilities that affect a person’s ability to control their own movements and may even cause paralysis. Although efforts to research Cerebral Palsy began in the 1830’s, specialists continue to struggle to determine how to detect and prevent children from developing CP in the Future. Early detection and prevention of Cerebral Palsy is particularly challenging as children can develop this condition in the pre-natal stage, the perinatal stage, and even during their first few years of infancy. However, it has been determined that the most common cause of this physical disability is due to the brain being underdeveloped or as a result of experiencing a form of brain damage. There are three different variations of Cerebral Palsy that a person may develop: Spastic Cerebral Palsy is the most common form of the condition and can affect a person’s ability to move certain parts of their body ultimately leading to muscle stiffness. Studies have shown that approximately 77% of people who have been diagnosed with CP suffer from spasticity. Another form of CP is Athetoid Cerebral Palsy which can cause involuntary movements rendering a person unable to control sporadic movements such as shaking. The third form of CP is known …show more content…
According to the founder of KidsHealth, Neil Izenberg, “The brain damage that causes CP can affect other brain functions and lead to additional medical issues such as: Visual Impairment, Hearing Loss, Food Aspiration, Gastroesophageal reflux, Osteoporosis, Speech Problems, Drooling, Tooth Decay, Sleep Disorders, and Behavioral Issues” (Izenberg, 1995). However, the chances of a person developing secondary conditions depends entirely on the severity of the damage that their brain has

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