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Living With Cerebral Palsy Case Study Answers

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Living With Cerebral Palsy, Teen

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of nervous system disorders. CP can cause abnormal movements, abnormal body positions, and poor balance. CP affects everyone in different ways.

The main difficulties associated with CP are related to actions that involve the muscles (motor skills) and coordination. The main problems caused by CP include:
• Problems controlling the muscles. You may have:
○ Muscle shaking that you cannot control (tremors).
○ Muscle tightening that you cannot control (spasms).
○ Muscle weakness.
• Problems with the spine.
• Having shorter legs or arms on one side of the body.
• Problems with muscle tone and coordination. Muscle tone is the amount …show more content…
• Problems with talking or communication.
• Joint problems.

• Be honest about your condition and how it affects you specifically.
• Answer questions people have.
• Help people understand that CP is related to muscle and motor skills, and does not affect your intelligence.
• Let others know how they can support you.

• Take care of yourself. Exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep.
• Practice ways to relax, such as yoga or listening to music.
• Try using healthy distractions like hobbies or reading.
• Get massages.
• Spend time with family and friends.
• Prepare ahead of time for challenges. For example, if you are starting at a new school, go to the school before your first day so that you know your way around.

• In addition to physical therapy, consider doing:
○ Speech and language therapy.
○ Therapy to help with daily activities and work (occupational therapy).
○ Therapy that involves fun activities (recreation therapy). This may include playing sports and going to cultural

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