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Authoritarian Personality

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After the Nazi's invaded Germany, psychologists became interested in whether or not a certain type of person was more likely to commit acts of violence and aggression than others. Namely, were some people “authoritarian” and others not. This idea was the birth of a series of experiments looking to measure the “authoritarian personality”. (reference) This essay will focus on two studies, a study by Theodor Adorno et al. and later, a study conducted by Bob Altemeyer based on Adorno's previous study. Both experiments used both qualitative and quantitative evidence in order to determine whether or not the so called “authoritarian personality” was measurable,and sought to provide explanation as to why such a personality type might occur. The work …show more content…
They attempted to measure likelihood of anti-semitism, ethnocentrism and Politico-Economic conservatism by creating three “attitude scales” (reference). Once these scales were devised and used to study American citizens, The F-scale was produced. This scale was used to measure a person's “potential for fascism.” (reference) the psychologists then interviewed 150 participants in order to gain a background on these personalities in order to determine whether there were consistencies in a person's personality type and their likelihood of scoring high on the F-scale. (reference)

Bob Altemeyer further expanded on Adorno et al's scale, by simplifying and updating this scale to include “positve” and “reverse” statements to avoid an aquiescence response bias. In simpler terms, it tried to prevent participants simply agreeing with statements instead of thinking more critically. (reference)

Similarities in both these studies are rife,with both studies attempting to determine whether authoritarian personality could be measured quantitatively, in scale form. Both of these studies used a “two pronged approach”- measuring either qualitatively, quantitatively or both, and then giving an explanation as to why one might be more inclined towards authoritarian behaviours.

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