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Sexual Assault In Prisons

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The survey itself will have two sections. The first asks the respondent “Have you been sexually assaulted by (an inmate or staff member) within the past six months?” (Wolff et al. 2007, 1089). Regardless of their answer, the second section asks behavior specific questions about certain types of assault in case a respondent labels an act as something it is not (Wolff et al. 2007, 1089). Asking for a description of the act tests the reliability of their response as well. At the end of the survey, there will be a short section that asks respondents to comment on anything that may help the structure or wording of the survey to make it easier to understand and convince more inmates to take it.
Training and Education As with any problem, education …show more content…
The heavy stigmatization of sexual assault victims in the U.S. plays a big role in why rape victims – especially incarcerated male victims – tend to keep the assault to themselves. What Sivakumaran calls the “taint of homosexuality” makes it difficult for male victims to come forward without fear of the masculinity being judged. A man having sex with another man (consensually or not) is thought to be feminine, something demeaning for men to be associated with. Shaming victims for not protecting themselves and losing their masculinity makes them not want to report in the first place. This stigma is exacerbating the problem by making it okay for an inmate to rape another, as long as no one ever talks about it. It is just a method of validating masculinity, power over another (Robertson 2003, …show more content…
Particularly in prison setting, where power and domination are linked, sexual assault is tool inmates use to prove their manhood and dominion over the other inmates. The unisex environment and overcrowding makes for a tense group (Wyatt 2006, 593-594), and somebody has to come out on top. Finding a way to allow inmates to express their masculinity without physical violence is essential. Conjugal visits may be the answer. Not only do they allow for the release of sexual tension, they encourage bonding and positive relationships with family where an inmate can secure his role in the relationship (Wyatt 2006, 597-598). Prisoners will not feel the need to lash out at other inmates if they are getting validation through a healthy, consensual

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