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Migraine Headaches

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Migraines are a severe form of headaches and about twelve percent of the population suffers from them. People who experience migraines usually feel moderate to severe, pulsing or throbbing pain. Many individuals may also experience sensitivity to sound and light as well as nausea and vomiting. The two most common types of migraines include classical and common. Classical migraines are those that begin with an aura where people may see zig zag lines, flashing lights, or even temporarily lose their vision. Common migraines are without the warning sign of an aura. The pain that comes from migraines can last for hours and possibly even a few days. Depending on the person and severity of the migraine people may also experience sweating, stomach ache, confusing thoughts, difficulty speaking, stiffness in the limbs, as well as unpleasant smells. Migraine headaches can be triggered by many different factors but the exact cause is unknown. But they are thought to be caused by abnormal brain activity causing a difference in nerve signals and blood flow to the brain, and it seems to be genetic. Many individuals can acknowledge certain triggers that …show more content…
A physician will normally perform a complete physical exam along with the patients in depth medical history. They will usually question you about your migraine history, lifestyle, family history, and exercise and diet. You also might be asked to keep a migraine diary to log important information such as the duration, frequency and severity of the headache. The doctor may also want to perform other tests if it’s necessary to rule out if the symptoms are secondary to a different disease or serious condition. These include an electroencephalography (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and possibly a spinal tap. The main concern is ruling out the cause of the

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