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Virtual Children And Young People's Health Case Study

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Cienna Hernandez

1. Is your virtual child likely to have any health problems during middle childhood? If your child does not have any health problems, to what do you attribute this? How has your culture influenced your child’s health? (8 points for describing health problems or lack of, 8 points – discusses culture and its influence on child’s health, 4 points for textbook support).
Gemma has not had any health problems so far. She doesn’t seem to gain weight even when she eats a lot. Since she does have a bigger appetite growing up, we did keep in mind that children need a wel-balanced, plentiful diet to provide energy for successful learning in school (416). Gemma even has a strong immunity and dodged off the major flu that was going around school. I think Gemma’s immunity is very strong considering that she is an active child and is in sports.

2. How might your child's development have been different if s/he was raised by people with a different …show more content…
She does math problems easily, and currently takes the 6th grade highest level math class offered at her school. Gemma is still very interested in science, and she head to a science camp where she’s going to study about ecology, zoology, botany, geology and other branches of science. Because Gemma enjoys science so much, I encouraged her to save some money for home chemistry set. That way she can further develop her interests, and become more knowledgeable. Every time when Gemma seems to express any interest in a particular area of study, I always look to facilitate things that will develop it. Such as sending Gemma to the 5th grade science camp field trip I believe it will be a great experience for her. During middle childhood, the long-term knowlegde base grows larger and becomes organized into increasingly elaborate, hierarchially structured networks (446). I think Gemma’s strong interest in math has helped her use different stradegies to study and to rememeber the math

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