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Midnight Special Education Narrative

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Midnight Special auditions were in the late August of 2016, and the pressure was monumental. Those who made it into Midnight Special were the best of all singers in the school. Therefore, I saw these auditions as a way to prove to myself and others that I possessed a talent for singing. I thought of the auditions as a self-discovery, but instead the audition ended up ripping my soul out -- for a while. My thoughts varied in the spectrum from moderate confidence to torturous worry and fear. The most prominent fear I was facing during this early start of 6th grade was the fear of failure. I had rarely failed at anything, which I thought was successful at first. However, when I failed my audition, it led me to believe that failure is never the …show more content…
I didn’t know what to expect. For a moment, my emotions and memories escaped my body. Everything appeared colorless and silenced. All I heard were the whispers of the car, gliding through the swift wind. I shook my head, trying to get my senses together. Still, everything surrounding me appeared lackluster and muted. In minutes, both my mother and I arrived at the Kaneland Harter Middle School. Heart pounding, I stepped out of the car, along with my mother. We started walking towards the student entrance, but I could feel none of my body parts. I was both dizzy and dreary for no apparent reason. The wind whistled swiftly in the air, blowing the thin blades of grass as well as my wobbly legs. My mother steadied me, giving me a stern, yet confident …show more content…
On that note, I began to sing my scale and song. While I sang, the confidence ran into my body. My clothes felt smoother than usual, and every object was aglow in my happiness. An imaginary pianist popped up from the piano seat, and instantly started playing the piano, the keys melding perfectly with my tone. I became more enthusiastic, and my smile gradually widened. The instinct rushed out of my body, and I no longer needed my memorization of the song. My emotions and passions were in complete control at this moment. Chairs in the office began spinning with joy, and papers stood up while holding hands, dancing in a circle. It seemed that my song was eternal, but without even a realization in my mind, the audition had abruptly ended. Mrs. Shershen smiled, along with the man behind her. The other man sitting at the piano disappeared. I started to rejoice in my mind, and it seemed that Mrs. Shershen was astonished by my performance. This was the moment I had been craving for; confidence. I was reassured that I would make it into Midnight Special at that point, but not

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