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Laser Safety

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When you spend 40 or more hours per week in an industrial or laboratory setting, the routine can desensitize you from work place hazards. This phenomenon often happens to people when driving, for example. Just as wearing a seatbelt protects you, should something go terribly wrong on your commute, so to, does wearing laser safety glasses protect your vision should a laser accident occur at work.

It doesn't matter that no one has suffered an injury in recent years. It only takes one mistake made by you or someone else at your job to make it happen today. No matter the safety history of your work or laboratory setting, you should never assume that your safety is assured. Here are seven industrial and laboratory laser mistakes that make laser safety glasses a necessity:

Cluttered Working Area

In situations where the laser setup is frequently changed, …show more content…
There's no guaranty that the setup won't change because of another's mistakes or an equipment problem.

In addition, the beam can be accidentally deflected for a number of reasons. Sometimes an accident is caused by simple human error. For example, an invisible infrared laser may appear to be off when it isn't. This may cause someone to look directly into the beam.


Experience by itself doesn't guaranty your safety. Safety requires constant vigilance every day. In addition to the desensitization effect discussed above, some experienced workers may judge they have the skill to take shortcuts that violate safety protocol. Success at pulling this off encourages them to repeat this violation until their luck runs out. Sometimes a serious accident happens during the first attempt. Accidents aren't the exclusive province of inexperienced workers.

- Mistakes Related to Laser Safety Glasses -

Not Wearing Laser Safety

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