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Domestic Dogs Cycle

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Domestic dogs do well in group living situations and are fairly flexible as to the arrangements. In the wild the typical number of wild dogs or wolves in a fully-fledged pack ranges between eight and 15. Usually one is seen as the alpha dog or The reproduction cycle in female dogs has 4 phases. Female dogs that have not been spayed typically have 2 estrus or heat periods per year(about 6 months apart), each lasting about 2 to 3 weeks. In some dogs, the intervals between estrus are much longer. The first heat occurs between 6 and 15 months of age, depending on the size of the dog (later in larger breeds). Females can become pregnant during their first heat or any later …show more content…
During 3 to 12 weeks of age of a dog they’re still learning how to control their body and getting used to their senses. Puppies don’t imprint on humans during a young age rather than seven to twelve weeks of age. When allowing your puppy to experience the world it’s important to make sure their firsts are mainly positive because it can keep them from being afraid or not want to be around that specific event. Conditioning helps your dog behave in a positive way with everything around it and it’s environment. It’s important to condition your dog when you have people coming to your house, taking your dog on long or short walks, and parks. When you’re about to take your dog for a walk it’s important to have a leash, let them have a break or pit stop every 25 yards, let them explore, observe and sniff what’s around them and have treats to distract them from people, or things around them. When dogs visit unfamiliar places, offering treats is a great temperament …show more content…
It’s important when wanting a dog to do a certain action to end with a positive result, like giving them a treat or toy. When teaching them to sit or do a command, don’t let it have a negative result because they won’t end up doing it or repeat his or her (Cassandra Vega) Dogs set up a fight or flight boundary without any aware thought around them. The size of their boundary all depends on how familiar with you, their level of confidence and tolerance. A calm dog won’t really have a wide boundary as for a scared dog they are more like to have a wider area. Every dog has a common attitude that they show towards people and animals. Even though many people have heard the belief that dogs see the world in black and white, they actually see a wide range of colors than people do. Dogs have a wider area of vision, which means they are capable of seeing things at their sides and toward their back. Most dogs are known to have a 270 degree vision. Dogs have a greater sense of hearing than humans do. Making a safe place for your dog when they hear noises that scare them is important and always make sure it’s always accessible. Another option is distracting them with something they enjoy doing, like with a tennis ball. Another way to go is behavior

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...KES SHROFF COLLEGE OF ARTS AND COMMERCE SUBJECT:- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROJECT REPORT ON: B.C.G. (Godrej) And G.E (Yamaha) SUBMITTED TO PROF. Shweta Mishra PRESENTED BY: Group no. 6 MEMBER DETAIL ROLL NO. | NAME | SIGNATURE | SDMS036A | DIPIKA JAIN | | SDMS037A | SHRENIK JAIN | | SDMS038A | AISHWARIYA JOGIA | | SDMS039A | SMRUTI JOSHI | | SDMS040A | VISHAL JOSHI | | SDMS041A | POOJA KAPADIA | | SDMS042A | ASIF KHAN | | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT An old Chinese proverb says; When eating your bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them. Now that our sprouts are ready to eat, it is time for us to express our deepest gratitude to all those to have made this possible. We wish to express our sincere gratitude to prof. “ ”, who guided and helped us from time to time to successfully conduct this research. We think her directions were the best thing that could happen to us and our project. We would also like to thank our college for letting us use the library. We hope you enjoy reading the report as much as we enjoyed making it. INDEX SR.NO | Topics | Page No. | 1. | B.C.G Matrix | 5 | 2. | Diagram & its Explanation | 6 | 3. | Godrej | 8 | 4. | G.E Matrix | 11 | 5. | Diagram & its Explanation | 12 | 6. | Yamaha | 13 | 7. | Comparison between B.C.G & G.E Matrix | 16 | 8. | Conclusion | 17 | 9. | Bibliography | 18 | B.C.G MATRIXBoston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix is a four celled matrix (a 2 * 2 matrix)...

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