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Right Start Research Paper

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Right Start
Right Start is a leading vendor of children's products. They started in the year 1985 as a catalog company, located in Los Angeles. The company was established by Stan Fridstein, Lenny Targon, and Harry Rosenthal who recognized a developing market amidst first time parents who were seraching for expertise and guidance in selecting top quality baby products. The company started its first retail store in the year 1991 in Westlake Village, CA. In the year 1992, they started extending, started their first location in a Rich's department store in Atlanta, Georgia. The Right Start was mostly owned by bowling center operator American Recreation Centers, Inc., previous to it was acquired by Kayne Anderson, a Los Angeles-based investment firm, in the year 1995.
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It has got a very tactfully chosen range of the best quality strollers, nursery, car seats and feeding accessories, along with a total stock of care products etc. Parents have trusted them to provide the most pioneering, high-quality, security tested items for their children for above 30 years. While visiting one of Right Start's Six Stores you will find welcoming, well-informed sales associates enthusiastic to aid you with parenting solutions and ideas.
The main range of categories you can find here are Travel Gear, Nursery, Kids’ Rooms, Feeding, Health & Safety, Bath & Party, Apparel & Gifts, Baby Activity and Toys & Books. At Right Start, it strives to provide only the top quality items created toward your lifestyle and based on your child's development. The company is here to make simpler your collection process and offer direction when it comes to making those rough choices. Each item is pre-selected for innovation, fineness, developmental suitability and style. Right Start is dedicated to your growing family.

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