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Home Dating Advice Essay

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Pages 3 - How To Be Confident

Home Dating Advice

Have you ever wanted to go for that new job, but haven't applied for it since you didn't feel that you'd get past the interview stage? Or wanted to ask that really cute girl out, but felt that they were "above" you, so you kept quiet and watched someone else move in? If so, then you're probably suffering from a lack of confidence.However, lacking confidence can be overcome quite easily all it takes is some minor changes in your outlook, and you'll soon learn how to be confident and achieve the goals you set out to reach. Although you may feel it a little daunting to start with, all you need to do is to follow some simple yet effective steps:Acknowledge …show more content…
Once you have that, the outer confidence will show, and this will be noticed by people. So look at your strengths, and what makes you feel good about yourself - it may be your a good problem solver, or listener. Whatever it is, use these strengths to make people notice you.Look to others for inspiration. You may have a favorite sports figure, actor, or any kind of role model. Ask yourself why you look up to this person so much, and then try and base your actions on how they live their lives. By living the same way as your hero, you'll soon feel better, knowing that you're being the same as someone who instills confidence in you.Don't be shy. This may seem like a contradiction if you're already lacking confidence, but it needn't be. If you're passionate about something, or knowledgeable, don't be afraid to share that and talk about your given subject. Believe it or not, people will listen to someone if they know what they're talking about, and they won't see a lack of confidence but a knowledgeable personable expert.Look after yourself, both physically and emotionally. It's a well known fact that if you feel uncomfortable about your appearance (overweight, unfit, etc), this will show in

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