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The Parkland Massacre

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Yesterday, the Broward County Sheriff’s office announced that a woman had crashed a car filled with “accelerants” into a department satellite office. According to a statement from the BSO, this situation took place earlier that morning, just before 11:30 am ET.

As reported by different outlets, the woman was driving a Toyota Camry into the community service room of the sheriff’s South Broward Office.

While the incident was quite serious, everything escalated to a life-threatening point when the car suddenly caught on fire soon after the impact.

Fortunately, the unnamed woman was successfully removed from the wreck by BSO employees. According to different reports, she is now being treated for third-degree burns at the Memorial Regional Hospital …show more content…
While it is an undeniable fact that its inefficiency played a major role in what happened in the Parkland High School, the mainstream media and the Democratic Party have downplayed this reality in order to blame guns, the Second Amendment, and the National Rifle Association.

Naturally, both the mainstream media and the Democratic Party have exploited the Parkland massacre in order to push their political agenda in the most effective way.

After all, in addition to emotional speeches and the political grandstanding of several politicians, almost every single major outlet of the mainstream media have used some of the survivors of the Parkland shooting to push for more gun control.

Unsurprisingly, this vulgar display of a tragedy’s politicization has polarized the American society even more, to the point where taking the rational step and criticizing the Broward County Sheriff´s office is now a Republican talking point.

In the alternative reality that the mainstream media provides on certain issues, what happened in the Parkland High School had nothing to do with the office’s lack of responsibility and

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