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High School Shooting Research Paper

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But oddly, not many people now about the church shooting in texas where a man shot up a church with a rifle but was later shot and killed by a man with a rifle of his own, effectively stopping the shooting before it could further escalate. Recently the media also did not blow up coverage on the maryland school shooting where a teenager fired rounds in his school but was stopped by an armed school officer, stopping the shooting before anyone could get seriously hurt. The shooter Rollins a 17 year old, was not armed with an assault rifle or any rifle for that fact, instead he was armed with what most shooters would use, a handgun. This may be why the media did not want to cover this extensively, because it was not an assault rifle used and/or the fact that authorities actually did their jobs and stopped the shooter.
The anti gun liberals are using the media and the minds of young liberals to advance their goal in banning all guns, possibly getting rid of the second amendment. After many tragedies the media have always said that the current shooting is the worst one yet, the “deadliest school shooting ever” when this is not the case. In the recent Parkland shooting it was …show more content…
According to the FBI Database it shows that violent crime rate has dropped by nearly 255% since 1997 to 2016. The FBI Database also shows that in 2016 alone in big states such as Pennsylvania, New York, and California where the murder rates are higher due to increased population, it shows that majority of the murders are by handguns followed by knives or other stabbing weapons, not rifles. The U.S Department of justices shows that from 1980 to 2008 homicide has dropped significantly, furthermore the homicide statistics show that you are more likely to killed by a handgun or knife than you are by a rifle, you are in fact 40 times more likely to be shot by a handgun. A law professor at UCLA

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