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The Columbine High School Massacre

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Research Paper
On April 20th, 1999, 13 people were killed and more than 20 others were wounded in what is now referred to as the Columbine High School Massacre. As one of the first major school shootings, the Columbine High School Massacre prompted a national debate on school security. Since then, many other shootings have happened, including a recent shooting in a high school in Florida. In other words, school security has become a serious issue. Because of recent shootings and attacks, schools have continued debating on whether or not increasing the amount of security is a good idea. Security changes such as uniformed officers, cameras, and check in and out policies, are some of the things being considered. Increasing security, even though …show more content…
Security guards can protect against unlawful trespassing, which by extension can also prevent against strangers bringing weapons onto campus, attempting to kidnap children, or stealing expensive equipment. like computers and other electronic devices” (Hiring School). Part of having a completely safe school environment is preventing unnecessary people from entering the building through uniformed officers, check in practices and monitored cameras are some ways to eliminate shootings, violence, and other harmful attacks on schools because people will not be able to access the facilities, staff, teachers and students without dealing with security …show more content…
For example, “Aside from watching out for criminals or serial killers who may find their way into schools, security will also help reduce bullying, fighting, and other forms of violence among schoolchildren. During such incidents, guards will always be available to handle the situation” (Ten Benefits). Increased security prevents bullying and fights during school because school officials are more aware of what is going on and are able to handle the situation faster. Just the awareness of security measures can stop a fight before it happens. “Whether it’s kids fighting with each other, teenagers harassing their teachers, or professors crossing physical boundaries with their students, security can potentially protect schools from attacks of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse by working to prevent these acts” (Hiring School). Fights and bullying can cause students to be distracted from school and learning. Decreasing the amount of fights will help everyone learn more and be safer. School security can prevent bullying, and therefore contribute to making a safer environment for

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