Premium Essay

Stricter Gun Laws

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How is the media, biased, more towards progressive-liberal values, conservative values or in both directions depending on the specific media outlets you may access? I believe before we can go directly into how the media biased, we must first know what it means. Media bias is a political bias in journalistic reporting, in programming selection, or in mass communications media. In today’s society, it has become normal to witness or read about an elected government official being ridiculed by our mainstream media outlets. You can rarely turn on the news, check your phone, or get on Facebook and Twitter without some sort of recent false and often miss represented news article or headline. We have all become accustomed to letting the media dictate …show more content…
This can be the most damaging bias, especially when the media build a crisis, and then refuse to report facts that oppose their earlier reporting.” (Capital Research) A very controversial topic in light of the parkland school shooting is should we have stricter laws. There are the liberals who are calling for stricter gun law’s. Then there are the conservatives who are claiming that stricter gun laws are not the answer. This has crippled the American citizens and caused yet another divide between the people who are pro second amendment and those for stricter guns laws. All the while a news article reported May 25,2018 on CNN was released which claimed, “We're 21 weeks into 2018, and there have already been 23 school shootings where someone was hurt or killed. That averages out to more than 1 shooting a week”. (CNN) This number of school shootings are incredibly high and I have only heard of two of these. The reason as to why the number is so high is because CNN set up certain constraints to count them as school shootings. Those constraints are, “A shooting that involved at least one person being shot (not including the shooter), A shooting that occurred on school grounds, we included grades K through college/university level, we included gang violence, fights and domestic violence, we included accidental discharge of a firearm as long as the first two parameters are met.” (CNN) CNN created this set of standards in order to push their opinions of what one would assume is for there to be more gun control. If you read the article entirely and carefully through you will see some facts that prove the constraints are rather extreme. For example, Seaside, California a teacher accidentally discharged a gun during a public safety class. Another, occurred in Savannah, Georgia where a person was shot on the campus of the

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