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I/O Psychology Goal Statement

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Goals Statement
I have chosen to study Industrial Organizational psychology as a result a fascination and appreciation for the complex relationships that determine the performance, motivation, and relationships between individuals. My personal area of interest includes training programs and understanding the significant factors that mediate electronic learning performance of newly available technological innovations. Inspired by training areas such as adaptive learning systems and e-learning modules, I have chosen to purse a master’s degree in order to develop the professional skills and knowledge needed to successfully peruse a career as a consultant. These include the ability to conduct reliable research and provide organizations with innovative solutions to increase training efficiency with tools such as e-learning …show more content…
My preparation and research prior to a graduate school has been instrumental in understanding my personal goals for continuing my education and developing my I/O specialization. As a research assistant to an I/O doctoral student at George Washington University, I conducted research on interview performance and cognitive load during Skype interviews. I was able to gain invaluable hand-on experience with participants by administering live mock interviews over skype and then evaluating their performance with a seven-point Likert scale. My involvement in this study was especially useful in preparation for graduate research by enabling me to understand the back-end of psychological research. This included seeing how theory and design materialized into a study and understanding how to conduct I/O specific research from start to

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