Premium Essay

Maslow’s Hierarchy


Submitted By PaperChaser70
Words 838
Pages 4
In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, he addresses five needs that innately motivate people. If presented in a pyramid format they would be presented in this order from bottom to top; basic needs, psychological needs, and self-fulfillment needs. The basic needs consist of physiological and safety needs. Examples of physiological needs are food, water, warmth, and rest; and example of safety needs are security and safety. Psychological needs consist of belongingness and love needs, such as intimate relationships and friendships. Psychological needs also consist of esteem needs, such as prestige and feelings of accomplishments. In the hierarchy and what is at the top of the pyramid is self-fulfillment needs which consist of self-actualization. Self-actualization is achieving one’s full potential and also includes creative activities (Hockenbury, Chapter 8, 2014). According to Maslow people strived to satisfy each need before moving up to the next hierarchy level, with the ultimate goal of achieving self-actualization. Maslow also believed that as people progressed through the hierarchy of needs they would eventually grow more socially and psychologically.
There are many people who believe in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, but there are just as many people who criticized his concept. For example, several critics believed his concept of self-actualization to be too vague. These critics also felt that the way the concept was defined it was almost impossible to test it scientifically. There was also concerned because Maslow’s initial studies were based on limited samples and there was questions regarding the reliability of these samples. For example, Maslow often used stories that were given to him by his acquaintances, because these were often his personal friends he chose not to release their identities. One criticism that stands out more than others is Maslow’s

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