...Learning how to read and write is a big milestone in a child's life. Being able to read and get involved in a book is the best feeling ever. Growing up, I could remember from a young age my mother reading all different types of Disney books to me. I loved the Disney books that had a princess in it because when I was younger, I thought I was going to become a princess when I grew up, of course, that didn’t happen. For most of my life, up to age seven, my mom or teachers read to me because I had a speech delay and a learning disability that made it difficult for me to read alone. I would pretend to a read a book by myself, but I never really got the concept of reading and understanding what I was reading till age seven. At age seven is when I...
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...most people would advise: read. Read anything and everything in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. For story books, don’t force yourself to read something too difficult or something you know you won’t enjoy. Make reading fun! Read books that you ENJOY reading. I hate to read books that bore me too. 2. Watch English movies with subtitles. This would be my favorite way of learning English. Not only do I get to have a fun time watching the movie, I’d be learning new words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them! Usually, you can get movies with English subtitles on DVDs. 3. Listen to English songs. Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs. Listen to your favorite songs and sing along to them. 4. Start a blog in English. This is one way for you to practice your writing. Blog on something that you love. If you are a fan of movies, start a blog and write about your favorite movies, your favorite characters, what you think could be improved in the movie, what new movies to expect next year, etc. Besides blogging, try joining online forums; engage in online chatting and more. 5. If you don’t want to maintain a blog, why not write to a pen pal? It’d be even more fun to have a pen pal from a different country! I used to write to other people from the US, Germany, Mexico, and even Yugoslavia. I remember feeling excited when I see letters with foreign...
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...My summer ready book was When I Was The Greatest by Jason Reynolds. The main characters in the story are Ali, Needles, and Noodles. Needles is Noodles older brother but Needles has turrets syndrome. Ali convinces a girl from school to let him and his friends into her brother’s grown up party. They end up getting expensive stolen clothes from Ali’s dad. When they get to the party Ali ends to going to the back room with a girl. Needles ended up bringing his knitting needles. Needles sometimes gets spasms and ended up stabbing a gangster. The gangster and his friends jumped Needles. Once Ali found out he came from the back room and beat up all the gangsters. Then Ali and Noodles carried Needles home. I picked this book because I enjoy reading...
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...bad for children. Use specific details and examples to support your answer. I disagree with this statement. Children can learn something from comic books. So, as long as children don’t spend too much time reading comic books, comic books could be good for them. I think reading books is good for children, but some children don’t like reading books. However, some of these children like reading comic books. It would be difficult for children who are not accustomed to reading texts to start reading books. But, once they come to like reading comic books, it would be a bit easier for them to start reading books. I mean, comic books could help children start reading un-comic books. So, I disagree with this statement. (111 words) I disagree with this statement. Children can learn something from comic books. So, as long as children don’t spend too much time reading comic books, comic books could be good for them. I think reading books is good for children, but some children don’t like reading books. However, some of these children like reading comic books. It would be difficult for children who are not accustomed to reading texts to start reading books. But, once they come to like reading comic books, it would be a bit easier for them to start reading regular books. I mean, comic books could help children start reading un-comic text-based books. So, I disagree with this statement. I agree with the statement. First, there are many drawings in comic books, so children...
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...in the column which you feel best describes your study habits, attitudes, and skills. Remember this is a survey of what you currently do. Check it in accordance with the following key: Column 1. Rarely or never true in my case. Column 2. Sometimes true in my case. Column 3. Often or always true in my case. * Adapted from C. Gilbert Wrenn Assisted in the original edition by R.B. McKeown and in revision by Wilbur J. Humber. * Permission to use material requested May 2005. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Publisher 1. I worry so much about doing well on tests that it interferes with my studying. 2. I spend hours cramming the night before an exam. 3. I lose a lot of points on essays and papers due to grammar, punctuation, or spelling. 4. I read at the same speed whether the selection is difficult or easy....
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...which they had the following morning. Joe: I don’t understand why we are studying so much for this exam, I mean it’s not like failing will kill you. Rebecca: It’s true that failing won’t kill you however, it will kill your grade and your opportunities of graduating with Honors. Joe: I really don’t care to be honest and even though it is true that if I don’t pass I won’t be able to reach my goal of graduating with honors I’m just so tired and weary that it has come down to the point where I don’t care anymore about much. Rebecca: I totally understand, but you can’t just give up you have to be optimistic and you...
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...your age don’t like to read or write. I say don't the authors make reading and writing interesting. Because I think kids would see the fun in reading and writing plus at the time kids would be gaining knowledge and having fun at the same time. First, do you know these kids out here on the street because they dropped out of school as soon as they could because they can’t read or write on the skill level they were supposed to be on. And kids were probably got bullied and teased. The reason they probably didn’t find the fun or interest in reading and writing. People these days that drop out of school always go out on the street and selling dope trying to get paper. And they would get shot, like a policeman did to Michael Newby and got shot coldblooded. Secondly, if kids these days would read and write more they could achieve a goal once in their life. They would be proud and would feel good about themselves knowing they could achieve something in life. And another thing if your parents tell you to read just do it because you’re gaining more knowledge and it’s fulfilling your mind not theirs. And they tell you to read because they love you and want you to live a better life. I know that reading and writing is not fun but the authors could make books that maybe you like sports or music. Or maybe in school whoever makes that writing prompts make them on something you would like to write about. Not all this boring stuff they are doing these days. So why not why don’t we ask...
Words: 514 - Pages: 3
...in the column which you feel best describes your study habits, attitudes, and skills. Remember this is a survey of what you currently do. Check it in accordance with the following key: Column 1. Rarely or never true in my case. Column 2. Sometimes true in my case. Column 3. Often or always true in my case. * Adapted from C. Gilbert Wrenn Assisted in the original edition by R.B. McKeown and in revision by Wilbur J. Humber. * Permission to use material requested May 2005. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Publisher 1. I worry so much about doing well on tests that it interferes with my studying. 2. I spend hours cramming the night before an exam. 3. I lose a lot of points on essays and papers due to grammar, punctuation, or spelling. 4. I read at the same speed whether the selection is difficult or easy....
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...Independent Reading I was successful in enjoying reading different kinds of genres. Before I came to eighth grade, I constantly read fiction and realistic fiction books. However, the independent reading program helped me read different kinds of books. I didn't know that reading different books could be this fun. I struggled as a reader on finding time to read. In the beginning of the grade, it was easy to find time to read; however, as time passed by and more assignments were forming, it became harder to find time to read. Pride Piece I think the memoir was the best piece I wrote. I put lots of effort into this piece. I tried to use lots of figurative languages in order to spice up the piece and make sound more interesting. Because the topic...
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...Don’t you think that people don’t know what some of our human rights are very important to everyone because human has a right to be free just like, Human right #1 We are all born free and equal. Having this right means that younger kids and adults should be able to go to school. As example college student go to school to get their degree also so they can become a productive individual. Younger kids / adults go to school to get prepared for college i.e. elementary student go to school to get prepared for middle school, middle school students go to school to get ready for high school and high school students go school to get prepared for college. Each of these kind of school are preparing for a higher grade. Say if we did not have school we would have human right # 26 the right to education because we have no schools so I think that if we have schools we should try to keep this right present. My life would be affected by illiteracy if you wanted to get a job you couldn’t read the contract. This means that if you want a job you have to fill out a paper to apply for it. If I couldn’t or understand what I’m reading I wouldn’t be in the spelling bee. Say for instance that I was that I was at a spelling bee and they asked me to spell responsibility, if I didn’t know how to read I wouldn’t be able to spell the word. Also you wouldn’t be able to study or practice for the spelling bee if you don’t know how to read the words. If I wouldn’t read my health would be bad because...
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...in the column which you feel best describes your study habits, attitudes, and skills. Remember this is a survey of what you currently do. Check it in accordance with the following key: Column 1. Rarely or never true in my case. Column 2. Sometimes true in my case. Column 3. Often or always true in my case. * Adapted from C. Gilbert Wrenn Assisted in the original edition by R.B. McKeown and in revision by Wilbur J. Humber. * Permission to use material requested May 2005. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Publisher 1. I worry so much about doing well on tests that it interferes with my studying. 2. I spend hours cramming the night before an exam. 3. I lose a lot of points on essays and papers due to grammar, punctuation, or spelling. 4. I read at the same speed whether the selection is difficult or easy. 5. I doodle, daydream, or fall asleep in class. 6. I need to improve my reading speed. 7. I have done poorly...
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...activity, you’ll use the Wise Choice Process to design a personal academic skills plan to improve your ability to read. Following are the six steps for completing your two-page Academic Skills Plan – blank plans are attached. To see examples of how to complete each of the steps, refer to the Sample Academic Skills Plans for Reading on the following 2 pages. The goals of this Academic Skills Plan are that you: 1) master four new reading skills, 2) increase learning in your present courses, and 3) earn higher grades. Step 1 What is my present situation? On a blank Academic Skills Plan (pp. 4 & 5 attached), write one of the “Challenges with Reading” that you circled on page 71 of your text, including its number. Write a different challenge on the second blank Academic Skills Plan. Explaining your reading challenges in detail will help you choose the best strategies to address them. See examples of how to do this step on pages 2 & 3 attached. Step 2 How would I like my situation to be? In Step 1, you identified two challenges you are having with reading. Now shift your focus from these challenges to how you would prefer your situation to be. On your Academic Skills Plan, write your goals for reading. State them in the present tense as if they already exist (e.g., I understand . . . rather than I will understand . . . or . . . I enjoy . . . rather than I will enjoy . . .). See examples on pages on the following 2 pages. Step 3 What are my possible choices? Review...
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...writer/ reader I am today? I would have to say I went through a lot of stages of writing and reading because some years I liked to read and write but other years I didn’t like it. I liked reading short stories, poems, and nonfiction books but I didn’t like historical stories, research, or long books. I’ve never a finished a book until high school because I never found a book I liked considering I never tried since I didn’t have an interest in reading. Although, now I can say I like to read if I find the right book when i use to say that i hated reading. The youngest I remember writing was in 6th grade when I would write letters to my dad. I wrote letters to my dad after my parents got divorced since I didn’t get to see my dad from it. My letters would be about how much I missed him, how school was going, and how things were different. I wrote...
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...: "To be a Scientist, you must always read" TL;DR - Science teachers should get students to read more scientific articles / information because it is their job, and what is best for kids. Reading aloud is one technique that I would like to use more, both to break down the culture of fear surrounding being wrong, and to add life and excitement to material that may otherwise seem listless or boring to some students. In his book "Teach Like A Champion" Doug Lemov discusses techniques to optimize your students' classroom experience. One such technique that caught my eye was "Control The Game". Upon first reading the title, I assume this was going to be something about classical classroom management. That it was going to be some psychobabble regarding being the dominant presence in the room, or some such other thing. Imagine my surprise when right from the byline it states "Ask students to read aloud frequently, but mange the process to ensure expressiveness, accountability, and engagement."...
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...I like to talk about why businesses and housing who don't like put in a wheelchair accessible ramp and why they don't make their businesses and housing wheelchair accessible. Businesses and housing isn't good with people in wheelchair because don't want to put in a wheelchair accessible ramp and change them to be wheelchair accessible, but they should try to make it wheelchair accessible so they can get more customers, make them independent in their home, and understand the laws of putting a wheelchair accessible ramp and making it wheelchair accessible into a business and homes. My first main point for business is reading the Guide to Disability Right Laws. The reason why is because people have no idea what people in wheelchair go through...
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