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'I Survived Being Bullied'

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Every where there are those who show up to go to school everyday but, across America there are 160,000 kids staying at home worried sick by bullies. But by the end of the school year there are about 130 who will commit suicide. Bullying is a serious matter and should be taken care of when seen happening. Bullying, is an unwanted, aggressive behavior within children of all ages and the behavior repeats itself over time. But victims of bullying can overcome this problem and move on with their lives.Depressing, sad and losing hope in yourself, fear being afraid of someone as likely to be threatening is what bullying makes you feel and have.Proud of surviving bullying and being able to show others that if you survived it, others can too.Significant bullying can cause depression, anxiety, headaches, and problems adjusting to school, society must put an end to it from schools by raising awareness and increasing supervision. Depressing, sad and losing hope in yourself, fear being afraid of someone as likely to be threatening is what bullying makes you feel and have. In the article “I Survived Being Bullied” Amanda has shown that bullying has caused depression and fear within her in the article …show more content…
Adama would escape from her bullies and cry her eyes out. She then decided to transfer schools and then had an idea to build a website to teens who suffered from bullying so they can have an opportunity to share their story. Later on her website became successful and she noticed there are many kids out there that are being bullied. In the article it states “ But things got worse, and I became very depressed. After a few days, I went to the school counselor. I told him that I wanted to kill myself.” This shows how the bullying had an major effect on her, leading to depression and wanting to kill

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