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ISIS: Terrorist Organization In Iraq

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ISIS in Iraq ISIS is a terrorist organization that has the goal is to take over the world under a Caliphate rule. ISIS seeks to expand its control over territories and population by using inhumane actions against thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens. ISIS murders, enslaves, imprisons, tortures, and rapes innocent men, women, and children everyday, that being said; ISIS is one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations to not only Iraq, but to the world.
II. Background of Country:
Iraqi history is extremely rich. Iraq's background dates back to ancient times, when many Empires rose and fell. Modern and Ancient Iraq occupies the region of Mesopotamia, Iraq. Many civilizations inhabited that historical region, including the Sumerians, Babylonians, …show more content…
Since 2014, ISIS has taken over the city Mosul, and has enforced their views and beliefs on those people already there prior. ISIS opposes fundamental ideas which originated in the West such as, Christianity, and Democracy (Mantilla). ISIS regularly destroys churches , monuments, and other cultural building of importance that opposes their ideology (Mantilla). After ISIS invaded Mosul, over 10,000 Assyrians left within a month. (Mantilla) Many Assyrian are targeted by ISIS and many others because of their western belief and religious background, they are Christians (Mantilla). Assyrians has always been second class citizens in Iraq because of their background …show more content…
With the growth of ISIS in Iraq, they have started to claim land; land that has already been inhabited by Iraqi citizens. Along with the invasion of the Mosul, the largest city in Iraq, many have since fled out to prevent their death (Von Drehle). Between 2003 to 2009 over 350,000 Iraqi christians have fled out of their homes, to protect themselves from any more harm threatening their life obstructed on their like (Mantilla).Countless people have been killed by ISIS attacks in their own country. On September 14, 2017, 66 people were killed and 97 very injured after a suicide car bomb went off on the south side of Iraq

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