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Organizational Dissent

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Dissent in organization was a topic I had little knowledge of before this class even though I manage a construction company. Before this class, the word dissent was not even in my vocabulary. The book helped me out with that and laid out step-by-step guide to what is organizational dissent and walked me through the process: from understanding organizational dissent, to some of the motives that might cause dissent, and concluding by giving suggestions what organizations can do to encourage dissent. Within the course, I found five main points that I would consider to be the biggest lessons I have learned about organizational dissent. I will accomplish discussing these points by breaking them out into two perspectives I have: the perspective as …show more content…
First thing that came to mind when developing my thoughts on dissent was that dissent is whistleblowing. This misconception I now know is due to the media’s portrayal of dissent and whistleblowing in popular culture. Dissent myths are the first important thing as an employer I would like to discuss. Understanding the myths of dissent as an employer could help me understand that dissent is not a bad thing. The six displayed in Kassing’s book are that all dissent involves conflict, dissent only targets the ear of management, dissent occurs primarily in response to ethical issues, dissent results from dissatisfaction, dissent entails open protest, and that dissent is adversarial. All six of these myths for me as an employer are important to understand. As an employer it is now beneficial for me to know that my employees do not have to have a conflict or be dissatisfied to express dissent or that just because I do not hear about the dissent does not mean it is not happening. With this basic knowledge of the myths, it will allow me to properly understand what is happening with the dissent without letting my preconceived notion of dissent get in the way. Next, I would like to discuss the importance of understanding …show more content…
The two important “take aways” I would like to present would be the generational differences between employees within an organization found in Unit 8 additional reading along with discussing the recommendations for employees expressing organizational dissent. From an employee perspective, I need to know the generational differences between myself and my other employees. This will help me navigate dissent within my organization and or help express dissent or detour lateral dissent expressed onto me. I am a Millennial. Older generations such as the traditionalist and the baby boomers do not think to fondly of millennial. According to the supplemental material readings for generational differences, this is because the key core values of the traditionalist and the baby boomers are on the total opposite end of the spectrum to what the key values are of millennials. This instant distain for a whole generation could create a large proportion of dissent in organization due to principles and values. In the article, it is discussed that Millenials will try and achieve more whereas rationalist and baby boomers will be comfortable and never want to exceed past their comfort level. As employee, it is important for me to understand the differences so that I may handle each dissent properly depending on how I know the generations view dissent or what values they hold. This way of

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