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Becoming An OB/GYN

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An obstetrics and gynecology (also referred to as an OB/GYN) has become a vital part of the women medical world. Not only is this career a fast growing and ever developing industry it’s also a very interesting.
What is an obstetricians and gynecology (OB/GYN)
An OB/GYN is two different things the OB stands for obstetrics. An obstetrician is a specialized physician that helps women during and after their pregnancy. the GYN stands for gynecology, a gynecologist is also a physician but instead concerned with the reproductive care of woman. while an obstetrician and a gynecologist are two very different specialty’s they go together so well that in modern medicine that almost all gynecologists are also obstetricians. This definition may raise the …show more content…
The first step in becoming an OB/GYN is to complete an undergraduate degree program. This may include a bachelor’s degree in Science in Human Biology. you should also be taking courses in biology, anatomy, chemistry and laboratory courses, these will help you when you go into medical school. The second step in becoming an OB/GYN is taking the test to get into a medical school. Though many people apply to get into a medical school only about half are accepted, many of the pre-med students start to study for this test well in advance of actually taking it. Step three in becoming a OB/GYN is to complete medical school when you are accepted to one, this takes 4 years and many choose classes that concentrate in obstetrics and gynecology. These many include hands on work where students have the chance to gain experience as an OB/GYN. Step four in becoming an OB/GYN is the complete a medical residency and in internship, a medical residency is 3-7 years. During these years the students are paid employees and can help to make treatment plans, evaluate patients, and help to monitor patient progress. Step 5; the final step is to obtain the license needed by law to officially become an OB/GYN. Once a student is licensed they can legally practice medicine in the U.S. to get you license you first need to pass a test (the USMLE) that tests your ability to correctly practice your health care

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