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Ob Gyn Research Paper

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Ob-Gyn stands for Obstetrician and Gynecologist. The obstetrician side deals mainly with the baby and a gynecologist works with women and their reproductive systems. An Ob-Gyn is someone that provides medical treatment for women, diagnose and prevent diseases for women, treat women’s reproductive systems, provide treatment and care for pregnant women, provide education on nutrition and proper care of the body during pregnancy, monitor the growth of the baby to make sure it is healthy, and deliver the babies. This was in the middle of the career choices that NCC said. I still chose health sciences because I have always wanted to be a doctor. More than likely an Ob-Gyn will be working in their own private office. Although there are plenty that work in hospitals and clinics with other doctors. Ob-Gyns are always working in sterile conditions because it ensures safety for the doctor, the women, and the baby. They are expected to wear protective clothing at all times such as: gloves, masks, and gowns. Ob-Gyns can usually run on their own schedule with some exceptions; they can decide when they work although complications can occur with the mother and baby before and during labor that the Ob-
Gyn can not control. An Ob-Gyn can expect to work nights and weekends. …show more content…
There is definitely better chances of finding an Ob-Gyn position. An Ob-Gyn is not going to have a job in a small town in the middle of Nebraska. There are certain circumstances where they may live in small town like Cortland and commute to Lincoln for work is not that far and there are more opportunities for the job. More populated cities like Chicago would have more job openings than a to place like Lincoln. Ob-Gyns are needed everywhere. I want to live somewhere near home because of family. However, I do want to be a little distance from home because going to college and making decisions about the rest of my life are changes and I have to leave my past

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