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Ibm Websphere


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IBM Websphere

The following link explains websphere application server communication process in layman’s term, a very good read – [pic]

The WebSphere Application Server consists of the following components:

Administrative Server - responsible for maintaining the configuration of a WebSphere domain, providing security services, Work Load Management, and monitoring the run-time state. The Adminserver process runs in its own JVM on each node in a WebSphere domain (“cluster”).

Application Server - An Application Server in WebSphere is the process that is used to run your servlet and/or EJB-based applications, providing both the servlet run-time components (Servlet Engine, Web applications) and EJB run-time (EJB container). Like the Adminserver, each WebSphere Application Server runs in it’s own JVM.

Administrative Repository - stores the configuration for all WebSphere Application Server components inside a WebSphere domain. Each Adminserver communicates changes in configuration and run-time state to all other Adminservers through the Administrative Repository.

Administrative Console - Administrative Console provides an easy to use, graphical “window” to a WebSphere domain (“cluster”). The Administrative Console connects to one of the Adminservers running in a cluster and can be used change to the configuration or run-time state on any machine in a domain.

HTTP Server and HTTP Server Plugin - While the HTTP Server is not strictly part of the WebSphere runtime. WebSphere communicates with your HTTP server via a plug-in. This plug-in communicates requests from the HTTP server to the WebSphere runtime.


Stateless: If the server processes each request based solely on information provided with that request itself, and not based on information that it “remembers” from earlier requests. In other words, the server does not need to maintain state information between requests.

Stateful: If the server that processes a request does need to access and maintain state information generated during the processing of an earlier request.

WAS Application Server in a Nutshell
Port 80 is for the connection between the browser and webserver (such as, IHS or IIS). Once webserver sends the request to WAS, request get routed to the respective jvm servlet port based on the plug-ins. In a clustered environment, no need to mention the port number. Plug-ins will route the request through whichever port is is available.

Virtual Host
Virtual Host is associated with cell, not Node. It enables plug-ins to route requests to correct server. As in most web server technologies, a single machine may be required to host multiple applications and appear to the outside world as multiple machines. Each virtual host is given a logical name and assigned one or more DNS aliases by which it is known. A DNS alias is the TCP/host name and port number that is used to request a web resource, for example, :9080/
By default, two virtual host aliases are created during installation. One for the administration console called admin_host and another called default_host, which is assigned as the default virtual host alias for all application deployments, unless overridden during the deployment phase. All web applications must be mapped to a virtual host, otherwise web browser clients cannot access the application that is being served by the web container.

Application Server is a Java process that encapsulates many services, including the web containers and EJB container, where business logic executes.

Web Container executes servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs), that generate markup to be viewed by a Web browser. Traffic into and out of the Web container travels through the embedded HTTP Server. Servlets and JSPs most commonly make calls to Enterprise Java Beans(EJBs) to executes business logic or access data. Web container is essentially a Java-based web server contained within an application server’s JVM

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is the server-side component architecture for the Java 2 Platform. They most commonly communicate with a relational database or other external source of application data, either returning that data to web Container or making changes to the data on behalf of the Servlet/JSP.
Web services engines enables application components to be exposed as Web services, which can be accessed using Simple Object Access protocol (SOAP).

HTTP Server Plug-in determines what HTTP traffic is intended to be handled by WebSphere, and routes the requests to the appropriate server. The plug-in is also a critical player in workload management of HTTP requests as it can distribute the load to the multiple application servers, as well as steer traffic away from unavailable servers.

A Node can be a member of multiple Node Group. To delete a node group, the node group must be empty. The default node group cannot be deleted. Nodes that are organized into a node group should be enough alike in terms of installed software, available resources, and configuration to enable servers on those nodes to host the same applications as part of a server cluster. The deployment manager does not validate the nodes in a given node group have anything in common. Managed nodes use node agent to manage web server and unmanaged nodes use IHS Admin Service.

A shared library is an external Java archive (JAR) file that is used by one or more applications. Using shared libraries enables multiple applications deployed on a server to use a single library, rather than use multiple copies of the same library. After you associate shared libraries with an application or module, the application or module class loader loads classes represented by the shared libraries and makes those classes available to the application or module.
Resources, such as, JDBC providers, namespace bindings, or shared libraries can be defined at multiple scopes. Resources that are defined at more specific scopes override duplicate resources that are defined at more general scopes: • The application scope has precedence over all the scopes. • The server scope has precedence over the node, cell, and cluster scopes. • The cluster scope has precedence over the node and cell scopes. • The node scope has precedence over the cell scope.

Admin console cannot directly communicate with application server. It communicates with dmgr, to node agent to AppSrver.
Admin Console=>DMGR=>Node Agent=>AppServer

Profile defines the runtime env for either dmgr or app server.
Cluster is a logical grouping of same application for workload management.
Plug-ins detect when app server stops responding to requests.
Web container processes servlets, jsp files and other types of server side includes.

WAS file directory – was_home is /usr/websphere610/appserver bin directory contains all the .sh files and lib directory contains all the jar files
Profile contains dmgr and node.

When an application or ear file is deployed, it is deployed within a respective jvm and whatever port that jvm is assigned with application use that port to communicate.

There is only one deployment manager (dmgr) per cell and it provides a central administrative console. Node Agent is responsible for administration at the node level.

** Important IBM Redbbok link – The flow of an application


• A Web client requests a URL in the browser input page • The request is routed to the Web server over the Internet. • The Web server immediately passes the request to the Web server plug-in. • The Web server plug-in examines the URL, verifies the list of host name aliases from which it will accept traffic based on the virtual host information, and chooses a server to handle the request. • A stream is created. A stream is a connection to the Web container. It is possible to maintain a stream over a number of requests. The Web container receives the request and, based on the URL, it dispatches the request to the proper servlet. • If the servlet class is not loaded, the dynamic class loader loads the servlet (servlet init(), then doGet() or doPost()). • JNDI is used for lookup of either datasources or EJBs required by the servlet. • Depending upon whether a datasource is specified or an EJB is requested, the JNDI directs the servlet - to the corresponding database and gets a connection from its connection pool in the case of a data source. to the corresponding EJB container, which then instantiates the EJB when an EJB is requested. • If the EJB requested involves a SQL transaction, it goes back to the JNDI to look up the datasource. • The SQL statement is executed and the data is sent back either to the servlet or to the EJB. • Data beans are created and handed off to JSPs in the case of EJBs. • The servlet sends data to JSPs. • The JSP generates the HTML that is sent back through the WebSphere plug-in to the Web server. • The Web server sends the output HTML page to the browser.

System management in a distributed server environment

Websphere can be clustered horizontally or vertically. In a clustered environment, shared drive support is required which serves as a repository for common configuration files and data shared by all the management servers that are members of the cluster and should be accessible from all clustered servers.
Horizontal clustering is about adding physical machines to increase the performance or capacity to the cluster pool – it is referred to as scaling out. Horizontal cluster requires multiple physical servers, it is scalable, provides hardware failover and can be used in conjunction with vertical clusters.

The following diagram illustrates a horizontal cluster. All of the cluster nodes are on individual servers. The nodes are grouped into a cell and managed by a single Deployment Manager. All of the node use a common database and LDAP server. The database and LDAP server could also be clustered and in high traffic networks or networks where failover and recovery are critical, the database and LDAP server would typically be clustered in order to avoid a single point of failure.

Vertical clustering is adding websphere application server instances to the same machine and referred to as scaling up. It is useful for taking advantage of unused resources in large servers. Vertical clustering can be used to create multiple jvm processes that, together, can use all of the available processing power. A vertical cluster provides process failover, increase efficiency with multiple jvm, provides load balancing through workload management, offers minimum scalability and doesn’t provide hardware failover.

How many vertical instances that can be created in a single node or server depends on the availability of physical resources in the local system (CPU and memory).
The following diagram illustrates a vertical cluster. The node is managed by the Deployment Manager. Each instance on the node authenticates with the same LDAP server and store data in the same database server. Although not depicted in the illustration, the database and LDAP servers could also be clustered if needed for failover, increased performance, and high availability.


Hybrid Cluster – Most large-scale portal sites incorporate a combination of horizontal and vertical clustering to take full advantage of the resources of a single machine before scaling outward to additional machines.


Load balancer – a load balancer distributes load across a number of systems. If there is more than one http server, you must use a load balancer. For moderately sized deployments, use a software based load balancer, such as, Edge Component. For larger deployments, which support a large number of concurrent users, use a hardware-based load balancer.
In a distributed server environment, administration tasks and configuration files are distributed among the nodes, reducing the reliance on a central repository or administration server for basic functions and bring-up. The administrative services and the administrative console are hosted on the deployment manager.
Managed application servers are installed on nodes. Each node has a node agent that interacts with the deployment manager to maintain and manage the processes on that node.
Multiple sets of the configuration files exist The master configuration is maintained on the deployment manager node and pushed out, synchronized, to the nodes. Each managed process starts with its own configuration file.

Deployment Manager
In a distributed server environment, the deployment manager maintains a master configuration repository that contains all of the cell's configuration data. The configuration repository at each node is a synchronized subset of the master repository. The node repositories are read-only for application server access. Only the deployment manager can initiate their update and push out configuration changes from the cell master configuration repository.

Node Agent
The node agent is an administrative process and is not involved in application serving functions. It hosts important administrative functions such as:
|[p|[|[|File transfer services |
|ic|p|p| |
|] |i|i| |
| |c|c| |
| |]|]| |

|[p|[|[|Configuration synchronization |
|ic|p|p| |
|] |i|i| |
| |c|c| |
| |]|]| |

|[p|[|[|Performance monitoring |
|ic|p|p| |
|] |i|i| |
| |c|c| |
| |]|]| |

The node agent aggregates and controls all the managed processes on its node by communicating with:
|[pic|The deployment manager to coordinate configuration synchronization and to perform management operations on behalf of the |
|] |deployment manager. |

|[pic|Application servers and managed Web servers to manage (start or stop) each server and to update its configuration and |
|] |application binaries as required. |

Only one node agent is defined and run on each node. In a stand-alone server environment, there is no node agent.


Configuration should always be done at the deployment manager and synchronized out to the nodes. Although theoretically, it is possible to configure nodes locally using wasdmin, it is not recommended and any changes made will be overwritten at the next synchronization.
Each node agent and deployment manager maintains status and configuration information by using discovery addresses, or ports. On startup, processes discover other running components, and create communication channels between them, through the discovery addresses:


The master repository located on the deployment manager installation contains the serverindex.xml file for each node. The deployment manager reads this file on startup to determine the host name and IP port of each node agent's NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS. • The default port for the NODE_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS is 7272. You can verify this by looking at the NODE_AGENT stanza in the serverindex.xml file of each node located at: /config/cells//nodes//serverindex.xml


• The copy of the configuration repository located on each node contains the serverindex.xml file for the deployment manager. The node agent reads this file on startup to determine the host name and IP port of the deployment manager's CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS. The default port for the CELL_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS is port 7277.



• The copy of the configuration repository located on each node also contains the serverindex.xml file for the node. Each managed server reads this file on startup to determine the host name and IP port of the node agent's NODE_MULTICAST_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS The default port for the NODE_MULTICAST_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS is 5000.

** A multicast address is a logical address. Therefore it is not bound to a real, physical network interface, and will not be the same as the host name (or IP address) of the host on which the node agent is executed. Multicast host addresses must be within a special range ( to defined by the IP standards and must never be a host name value. The default for WebSphere node agents is Here is the IP ( from our Test env –


The order of process startup needs to adhere to the following rules: • A node agent can be running while the deployment manager is not, and vice versa. When the stopped process is started, discovery will occur automatically. • The deployment manager can be running while a managed server is not, and vice versa. The execution of a managed server is not dependent on the presence of a running deployment manager. The deployment manager is only required for permanent configuration changes written to the master repository. • The node agent should be started before any application servers on that node. The node agent contains the Location Service Daemon (LSD) in which each application server registers on startup. • The node agent is purely an administrative agent and is not involved in application serving functions. Each managed server has the data necessary to start itself.

Each node contains a separate copy of the repository containing only the files required for that node, including:
During the synchronization operation, the node agent checks with the deployment manager to see if any files that apply to the node have been updated in the master repository. New or updated files are sent to the node, while any deleted files are also deleted from the node. Synchronization is one-way. The changes are sent from the deployment manager to the node agent. No changes are sent from the node agent back to the deployment manager.

Websphere Directory Structure
Each node, deployment manager, and standalone application server has its own profile directory under the /profiles directory.
The /config directory is the root of the repository for each profile. It contains the following directory structure: cells// [pic]

This is the root level of configuration for the cell. The directory contains a number of cell-level configuration settings files. Depending on the types of resources have been configured, you might see the following subdirectories:

- cells//applications/ contains one subdirectory for every application that has been deployed within the cell. - cells//buses/ contains one directory for each service integration bus (bus) defined. - cells//coregroups/ contains one directory for each core group defined. - cells//nodegroups/ contains one directory for each node group defined. - cells//nodes/ contains the configuration settings for all nodes and servers managed as part of this cell. The directory contains one directory per node. Each cells//nodes/ directory will contain node-specific configuration files and a server directory which in turn will contain one directory per server and node agent on that node. - cells//clusters/ contains one directory for each of the clusters managed as part of this cell. Each cluster directory contains a single file, cluster.xml, which defines the application servers of one or more nodes that are members of the cluster. - cells//applications/.ear Each application's directory in the master repository contains the following: 1) A copy of the original EAR, called .ear, which does not contain any of the bindings specified during installation of the application 2) A deployments directory, which contains a single directory used to contain the deployed application configuration. - cells//applications/.ear/deployments/ The deployment directory of each application contains the following: deployment.xml=>this file contains configuration data for the application deployment, including the allocation of application modules to application servers, and the module startup order. META-INF/ => contains application.xml (application deployment descriptor), ibm-application-bnd.xmi (application bindings), ibm-application-ext.xmi (application extensions), was.policy (Java 2 security configuration)

The overall structure of the master repository is the same for both a standalone server environment and a distributed server environment. The differences are summarized in the following sections.
In a standalone server environment, the structure has the following: - The master repository is held on a single machine. There are no copies of this specific repository on any other node. - The repository contains a single cell and node. - There is no node agent because each application server is stand-alone so there is no directory for the node agent (nodeagent). - Clusters are not supported, and therefore will not contain the clusters directory or subdirectories.

In a distributed server environment, the structure has the following: - The master repository is held on the node containing the deployment manager. It contains the master copies of the configuration and application data files for all nodes and servers in the cell.

- Each node also has a local copy of the configuration and application data files from the master repository that are relevant to the node. - Changes can be made to the configuration files on a node, but the changes will be temporary. Such changes will be overwritten by the next file synchronization from the deployment manager. Permanent changes to the configuration require changes to the file or files in the master repository. Configuration changes made to node repositories are not propagated up to the cell. - The applications directory of the master repository contains the application data (binaries and deployment descriptors) for all applications deployed in the cell. The local copy of the applications directory on each node will only contain the directories and files for the applications deployed on application servers within that node.

What Happens when an application ear file is deployed into Websphere WAS?
The installation of an application onto a Websphere Application Server results in: The storage of the application binaries (ear) and deployment descriptor within the master repository. The publishing of the application binaries and deployment descriptors to each node that will be hosting the application. These files are stored in the local copy of the repository of each node.
However, each node then installs applications ready for execution by exploding the ear under the /installedApps// as follows: /installedApps//=>this directory contains a subdirectory for each application deployed to the local node. The name of each application’s directory reflects the name under which application is installed, not the name of the ear file. For example, if an application is called myapp, then the installedapps/ directory will contain a myapp.ear subdirectory. /installedApps//.ear/ =>each application-specific directory contains the contents of the original ear used to install the application – deployment descriptor from the original ear, all application binaries (jar, classes, jsp) Following figure summarizes how the node’s local copy of the repository contains the application’s installed deployment descriptors, while the directory under installedApps contains the application binaries.


How Websphere WAS executes an application?
Websphere application server executes an application by 1) loading the application binaries stored under /installedApps//.ear/ and 2) configuring the application using the deployment descriptors stored /config/cells//applications/.ear/deployments/

Websphere Plug-ins
Although the Web container can serve static content, a more likely scenario is that you will use an external Web server to receive client requests. The Web server can serve requests that do not require any dynamic content, for example, HTML pages. However, when a request requires dynamic content, such as JSP or servlet processing, it must be forwarded to WebSphere Application Server for handling.
To forward a request, you use a Web server plug-in that is included with the WebSphere Application Server packages for installation on a Web server. You copy an Extensible Markup Language (XML) configuration file, located on the WebSphere Application Server, to the Web server plug-in directory. The plug-in uses the configuration file to determine whether a request should be handled by the Web server or an application server. When WebSphere Application Server receives a request for an application server, it forwards the request to the appropriate Web container in the application server. The plug-in can use HTTP or HTTPs to transmit the request.

DB2 II4C (Information Integrator for Content)
DB2 Information Integrator for Content (II4C) Version 8 provides a rich set of APIs which allows developers to build transparent access to critical unstructured and structured information across and beyond the enterprise. IBM Information Integrator for Content can combine data from several different data sources (for example, library server and ImagePlus) and join this data into one view for the client. This allows clients maintaining databases from several different vendors, possibly also using a Content Management system backend, to query across all databases efficiently. This distributed querying and joining is called federation.

Websphere IICE (Information Integrator for Content Edition)
IBM’s Information Integrator Content Edition (IICE) provides the framework to enable organizations with an enterprise content integration strategy, resulting in multiple disparate content sources looking and acting as one system.

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Week 7 - Case Study 2 partners (Isuzu Australia, 2008). The reasoning behind getting this communication network up and running is the high priority requirement for access to the latest materials and information from IAL head office (Bigdoli, 2014). In 2005 they distributed all information in printed format and shipped via the Australia Post. The benefits to creating a centralized communication network would be exponential to their productivity, dealers and other business partners would be able to access information and submit issues in real time instead of relying on post. IAL decided to use IBM’s WebSphere portal and Workplace Web Content Management (WCM), along with Lotus SameTime instant messaging, Lotus Quickr for team based project management and Portal Document Manager (PDM) for a central repository of documents. The reasoning behind this was given by the Staff Operations Manager, Aninka Morhall – We chose WebSphere Portal and WCM because this solution was more capable of meeting our needs than the other offerings in the market, in particular in terms of its scalability. We were also interested in all of the extra collaborative components. As a long time Lotus Notes® user we knew these systems would integrate seamlessly with our existing technology platforms." IAL chose to use a solution that, in part, they were already familiar with and knew would work with existing systems. A wiki is an application that allows users to edit and publish content in collaboration with other users. IAL uses...

Words: 495 - Pages: 2

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Journey of Ibm

...The Journey of (IBM) International Business Machines Executive summary: The current Proposal intended to describe what IBM has faced in its journey and how it overcame those problems, which it was unprepared in the first place. To discuss the Success Story of IBM (International Business Machines) and journey through some easy and some tough winters. The focus will be on the problems. Introduction: IBM is one of the world’s largest rapid growths IT Company in terms of revenue, which listed in fortune 100 IT companies.IBM has produced different products, which related to software and hardware and produced custom designed microchips. By producing low cost products, IBM has rapid growth with long-term success, which attracted the investors and competitors. The head quarters were located in New York. In 2012, it has ranked 2 largest US firm for having highest numbers of employees nearly 433,362 by fortune. They have developed a wide range of software development tools, which helps to manage business process etc. IBM has first started its invention in 1914 called Hollerith, which was a part of computing -tabulating- recording company later the company known as IBM. (Rouse, 2006) Background: ...

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Applied Research

...Information Technology and the Intranet Sherri Wheeler Keller Graduate School of Management IS535ON JUL10 SECJ Abstract Information Technology has become essential in every organization; it has provided firm and specific value which results in competitive advantage over other firms. Investigations are conducted to deal with specific business issue of technology. A report is prepared on procuring I.T. services from IBM. Companies have the intention of connecting with IBM for I.T services news and information through the Internet. Business services offered by IBM are being studied, and a particular focus is on consulting and information services. Website services and other Application services are also investigated to report on I.T. issues. The strategic results of information technology solution will provide expertise, consultancy which will assist in building competitive advantage. Purpose of the Report: The report aims at obtaining information about I.T. services from the IBM, an information technology and consulting firm. Also, this report will show the benefits of incorporate the intranet for internal and external purposes. A study is conducted on how to access integrated data, acquire knowledge and guidance. Intranet: An intranet is an internal, secured business environment, which uses HTML and TCIP protocols like the Internet, but operates on a LAN (local area network). If the LAN provides access to the Internet, the intranet resides behind a firewall...

Words: 1844 - Pages: 8

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Ibm Canada Ltd: Implementing Global Strategy

...Ivey School of Business The University of Western Ontario 910E08 IBM CANADA LTD.: IMPLEMENTING GLOBAL STRATEGY Ken Mark wrote this case under the supervision of Professor Deborah R. Compeau solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to iIIustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. Ivey Management Services prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmittal without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorizalion by any reproduction rights organizalion. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Ivey Management Services, e/o Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Onterio, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail Copyright © 2010, Ivey Management Services Version: (A) 2010-03-29 INTRODUCTION "Sorne managers are asking us to delay the switch from our locally supported CRM software to the new global application," said Peter Silvanovich, business transformation executive, Sales & Distribution, IBM Canada Ud. (IBM Canada). Silvanovich had responsibility for - among other things - introducing, maintaining and retiring software programs to support IBM Canada's business needs. On October 12, 2009, Silvanovich was speaking...

Words: 4578 - Pages: 19

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Knowledge Management

... Introduction: 4 1.1. Organization (IBM) brief: 4 1.2. Services provided by the organization: 5 2. Employee management in the organization: 5 2.1. Technologies invented and business: 5 2.2. Various collaborations: 7 2.3. Implementation of knowledge management strategy: 7 2.4. Post implementation analysis: 8 3. Potential application: 8 3.1. Communities of practices within the company: 9 3.2. Organizational influences: 10 3.3. Community evolution in IBM Global Services: 10 3.4. Patterns followed: 11 4. Conclusion: 12 References: 13 1. Introduction: Knowledge management (KM) is group of processes that concerns the creation, distribution and consumption of knowledge. It’s a broad topic and is not only a technological strategy. It mainly governs the whole process of discovery and formation of knowledge. KM balances and increases other managerial initiatives such as total quality management (TQM), business process re engineer (BPR) and organizational learning providing a latest and urgent focus to continue competitive spot (Abrahamson, 2003). In order to serve the customers well and remain in the business knowledge management should be applied. But none of it would be possible without a continuous focus on formation, updating, accessibility, quality and the use of knowledge by all the staff and teams at work. 1.1. Organization (IBM) brief: The International Business Machines Corporation, commonly known as IBM is a multinational company and consulting...

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Advance Case with Ibm Case Manager

...Front cover Advanced Case Management with IBM Case Manager Introducing case management and IBM Case Manager Building IBM Case Manager solutions with use case example Covering customization, rules, deployment, and more Wei-Dong Zhu Brian Benoit Bob Jackson Johnson Liu Mike Marin Seema Meena Juan Felipe Ospina Guillermo Rios International Technical Support Organization Advanced Case Management with IBM Case Manager May 2014 SG24-7929-03 Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page xiii. Fourth Edition (May 2014) This edition applies to Version 5.2.0, IBM Case Manager (product number 5725-A15). © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2013, 2014. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Words: 95119 - Pages: 381

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Sunzi Assignment- Ibm

...International Business Machines, abbreviated IBM and nicknamed "Big Blue" (for its official corporate color) was incorporated in the State of New York on June 16, 1911, is a multinational computer technology and IT consulting corporation headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States. Now, the chairman and CEO of IBM Company is Samuel J Palmisano. IBM manufactures and sells computer hardware and software, and offers infrastructure services, hosting services, and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. IBM has been well known as one of the world's largest computer companies and systems integrators. With over 388,000 employees worldwide, IBM is one of the largest and most profitable information technology employers in the world. IBM holds more patents than any other U.S. based Technology Company and has eight research laboratories worldwide. The company has scientists, engineers, consultants, and sales professionals in over 170 countries. IBM employees have earned Five Nobel Prizes, four Turing Awards, five National Medals of Technology, and five National Medals of Science. IBM competitors IBM's main competitors are Hewlett-Packard Company (HPQ) and Dell (DELL) but each of these companies has a different focus area. Dell makes most of its money on PC and server hardware, while Hewlett-Packard is more diversified as the leader in PCs and Imaging & Printing as well as offering IT services. Since IBM relies heavily on its Software and Services...

Words: 4643 - Pages: 19

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Social Responsibility

...2009 Corporate Responsibility Report IBM Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 letter from the chairman Samuel J. Palmisano Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer our company IBM basics The role of the ibmer A world of global citizens employees Investing in the IBMer ibmers in service Corporate Service Corps enters its third year communities Engagement, expertise and sustainable service environment Environmental sustainability, inside and out supply chain A holistic approach Governance Managing risk, maintaining trust public engagement Collaborating for societal progress 2009 performance Data summary 1 4 6 10 14 18 24 32 36 40 44 Samuel J. Palmisano Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer It was at the height of the economic crisis in 2008 that IBM introduced the idea of a smarter planet. To some, this might not have seemed the most propitious moment to launch such an ambitious strategic initiative. However, we strongly believed there was an opportunity to address exactly the problems and challenges that were then gripping the world. Now it is nearly two years later and events have, if anything, strengthened this belief. The idea of a smarter planet is speaking powerfully to forward-thinking leaders and citizens around the world. It is opening up a growing global dialogue and generating thousands of innovative ideas. Hundreds of our clients have seized upon new capabilities to build smarter systems, and are achieving measurable benefits for their...

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