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Ics Final Exam Study Guide


Submitted By axodura
Words 2934
Pages 12

I. Week 8 (Video Games)
a. Genres of Games
i. Action ii. Adventure iii. Role Playing (RPG) iv. Simulation
v. Strategy vi. Serious
b. Elements of a Game
i. Rendering engine (graphics) ii. Physics engine (collision detection) iii. Sound iv. Artificial Intelligence
v. Animation vi. Scripting vii. Networking

c. Game Development
i. Studio teams of 20 to >100 ii. Designers iii. Artists iv. Programmers
v. Level designers vi. Sound engineers vii. Testers
d. Early Games
i. 1951: Nimrod ii. 1958: Tennis for Two
1. Like Pong, but with real physics simulation iii. 1975: Adventure, Colossal Cave
1. First modern adventure game iv. 1980: Rogue
1. ASCII terminal
e. What makes a game fun?
i. Hard Fun
1. Meaningful challenges, strategies, puzzles ii. Easy Fun
1. Exploring new worlds.
2. Focus on player attention (immersion)
3. Ambiguity, incompleteness and detail iii. Serious Fun
1. Self-Improvement
2. Relaxation and excitement
3. Creating
4. Becoming better iv. People Fun
1. Just to spend time with friends
2. Build teamwork and comraderie
3. Enjoy rivalries
f. WTF [for Games]: “Where‘s the Fun.”
II. Week 9 (Data Visualization)
a. Data Science
i. The science and technology of turning data into wisdom
b. Wisdom, Knowledge, Information Relationship
i. Information is Data that has been processed with context to give it meaning. ii. Knowledge is information you discover over time iii. Wisdom is to be able to predict the future based on all the gathered knowledge.
c. Data Visualization
i. The science and technology of turning data into images to help produce knowledge and wisdom.
d. Visualization is Good For:
i. Helping you verify / confirm something ii. Helping you discover / learn something you didn’t know before. iii. Helping you to come up

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