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Ifrs V. Gaap: Business Combinations


Submitted By cmy0004
Words 1829
Pages 8
to: Dr. Jonathan Stanley from: Christopher Michael Yelvington subject: IFRS v. US GAAP: Business COMBINATIONS and Financial Statements. date: April 21, 2015

Dr. Stanley,
When acquiring a foreign subsidiary, there are accounting differences that one must consider. Looking at the big picture U.S. GAAP is more rule based and IFRS is more principles based. Under IFRS, more emphasis is on the substance of transactions and more judgment is used. In this memo, I have identified key differences in U.S. GAPP v. IFRS with regards to the acquisition of a foreign entity and the financial statements.
The following are the assumptions regarding your aquisition I have used in my analysis: 1. 80% Single Step Equity Purchase 2. Foreign entity currently reports under IFRS 3. Parent does not meet the definition of a investment entity under IFRS 4. Foreign entity’s functional currency is the Euro
You as the parent company can continue to report your financials under US GAAP. Likewise, the foreign subsidiary will continue to report their financial statements under IFRS. For the reporting periods following the date of acquisition, you are required to consolidate the foreign subsidiary’s financial statements with the parent entities financial statements under US GAAP (Gannon & Ashwal, 2004).
The consolidation model under US GAAP and IFRS differs. To start, the definition of control varies. Under US GAAP, control is based on controlling financial interested, so there is no relationship between ownership benefits and the control to govern the operating and financial policies of the subsidiary. This is often referred to as the “voting interest model” (Santoro, 2014) IFRS defines control to be “the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities” (IAS Plus, 2013)

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