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Igbo Culture Research Paper

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Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story

“IYA GBA!” my father shouts in Yoruba as he discusses recent football matches in the Premier league with his brother
“GINI MERE?” my mom questions in Igbo as she speaks with her mother.

Not many teenagers can claim that they are constantly awoken by the sounds of Igbo and Yoruba being shouted into static-filled long distance phone calls. However, I am the first generation American born son of Nigerian parents, so I can. My mother was born and raised as a member of the Igbo tribe in Nigeria, while my father was born and raised in the very …show more content…
The Igbo culture has ingrained the value of discipline and education and the love of God in my personality, as I always strive for the best in all that I do. The Yoruba culture has ingrained a strong bond between me, and my family. While the aforementioned components of my parents’ cultures have been successfully embedded in me, it sometimes feels like I do not have enough respect for elders. This stems from my American background. Our American culture allows you to be assertive and speak up. In some cultures this rugged individualism can be misconstrued as rudeness or disrespect. That led to my forming a group (Nigerian Kids in Diaspora) to help the younger ones navigate this. Through dances, review of current and historical events, we try to teach the younger ones a way where they can embrace all the cultures and still be assertive and express themselves in a respectful way. A few weeks ago I was at a school graduation with my family. Around intermission I noticed an elderly man walking around with a video recorder looking for a seat. Assuming he had a seat with the rest of his family I ignored him. It took me a full hour before I realized that elderly gentleman was standing, while I, much younger and in better shape, was sitting comfortably. Mortified, I leapt up and offered him my seat. My parents smiled at me proudly when they noticed what I had done, and it also later proved to be beneficial for me, as the gentleman turned out to be the only professional photographer at the graduation. I will forever cherish the wonderful pictures he captured of me and my best friends, my mother, dad, and I, and me and my favorite uncle, Mr Bum (our nickname for him, but that’s another

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