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Oil Spills In The Gulf Of Mexico

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The Gulf of Mexico has experienced a tremendous amount of damage through oil spills (Griggs 2011). On April 20th, 2010, British Petroleum’s Macondo had one of the biggest oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico releasing about 185,000,000 gallons of oil (Griggs 2011). It was capped by July 15th, 2010; however it did take a great amount of time to clean up the spill (Griggs 2011). Such oil spills affect the environment in many ways causing long term and short term effects (Kingston 2002). They can occur as a result of human error, equipment malfunction, or natural causes (Eide et al. 2007). Today, technology is vastly growing and can help in many ways to reduce oil spills. Implementing methods for oil spill prevention can: limit the containments released, …show more content…
From the British Petroleum incident, not only was the large volume of oil spilled into the water, but also natural gas, methane and various chemical dispersants were released heavily (McCrea-Strub and Pauly 2011). This affected the environment, the habitats of many species and the health of humans (McCrea-Strub and Pauly 2011). When oil spills into a body of water such as The Gulf of Mexico, certain harmful components evaporate into the air (Kingston 2002). Furthermore, the type of oil spilled relates to the efficiency of evaporation which is not good for the environment (Kingston 2002). Oil spills can also cause the oxidation of certain volatile components more dangerous than the hydrocarbons that were released (Kingston 2002). In addition, hydrocarbons can also dissolve into the body of water causing a lot of contamination (Kingston 2002). The methane released is about forty percent by weight, which has a capability to wipe out the marine life (McCrea-Strub and Pauly 2011). Basically the methane produces oxygen low areas, taking away the oxygen supply from the marine life species, and in turn killing them (McCrea-Strub and Pauly 2011). When large amounts of contaminants such as oil, hydrocarbons and chemical dispersants are released into bodies of water and the surrounding environment, it causes water pollution, air pollution, destroys habitats, beaches, …show more content…
Smith, and L.C. Smith 2010). According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, sea turtles, dolphins, pelicans, fish, sea birds and many more were at high risk from the oil spill (Ashcroft, L.M. Smith, and L.C. Smith 2010). As a result, these land and marine animals were found drenched in oil, while some were seriously injured and others found dead (Ashcroft, L.M. Smith, and L.C. Smith 2010). According to McCrea-Strub and Pauly, The Gulf of Mexico accommodated about eighteen percent of commercial fisheries and was known for its efficiency (2011). The oil spill also led to habitat destruction of the wildlife and marine life to certain species (McCrea-Strub and Pauly 2011). Since there were over one hundred species of fish, crustaceans etc that were impacted by the great oil spill, the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) along with a few other states closed certain areas that were open to commercial fishing (McCrea-Strub and Pauly 2011). As a result of the oil spill, many mutated and deformed species from marine life were found (McCrea-Strub and Pauly 2011). Kingston argues that seabirds tend to have high death rates from oil spills (2002). For example, from the Exxon Valdez oil spill that occurred in 1989 approximately 35,467 seabirds were found dead as a result (Kingston 2002). Likewise, many seabirds were affected from the British

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