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Marriage Revived Summary

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People in society are brought up to believe that marriage is between a man and woman, when in reality, marriage can be different from the stereotypical heterosexual marriage. Western culture devalues those who do not follow the stereotypical roles of a male and female or participate in same-sex marriage. Society becomes open-minded as minority couples fight for equal rights. The article “How today’s marriage equality win is also about gender equality” by Irin Carmon supports Nancy Cott’s chapter, “Marriage Revised and Revived”, by discussing the increase in marriage equality, which in turn leads to freedom and acceptance in society. It is evident that there is inequality between a husband and wife, but as society transitions to a more accepting …show more content…
Cott argues that everyone should have equal rights and opportunities, even if they are homosexual. The American constitution conveys the idea that it is a country with freedom of choice and expression, but not having the right to marry someone of the same sex contradicts this idea. Cott describes, “two consenting male homosexuals were arrested for what they did in private and at home” (215). This statement proves that this current generation is brought up to believe marriage is a restrictive institution. Those in minority are scrutinized against in regards to their civil rights and employment. These factors are not preferable to homosexuals as they do not want to be second class citizens in society. Although, Cott explains those who opposed the Defense of Marriage Act state, “They invoked the social value of love between partners who chose each other and contented that Congress should not step into the making of private relationships” (220). This statement shows the progress these individuals are making to develop an open-minded community. This progression will allow those homosexuals to be married at their own discretion. Carmon supports Cott’s argument by validating that society sees marriage as a process of having babies. Seeing that homosexuals cannot create babies in a traditional manner, they are shunned out of societal norms. In Carmon’s article, Anthony Kennedy states, “An ability, desire, or promise to procreate is not and has not been a prerequisite for a valid marriage in any State” (Kennedy cited by Carmon). This statement validates that there should not be any requirements for marital norms, except the shared love and values between two individuals. Society’s views on same-sex marriage contradicts the principles on which America was built in regards

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