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Illinois Tornadoes

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A taste of two cities
I have lived in two places throughout my entire life. I was born in Chicago, Illinois. My family and I moved to Dallas, Texas when I was seven years old. Dallas, Texas and Chicago, Illinois are close to one thousand miles apart. Their similarities in the weather, food, and schools can make you feel at home, although their differences can feel almost foreign.
For example, both Dallas, Texas and Chicago, Illinois are in an area called “Tornado Alley.” Every spring and summer, violent thunderstorms roll through “Tornado Alley” leaving damage for miles. Dallas, Texas and Chicago, Illinois are both in the top 20 states with the most tornadoes per ten thousand square miles. Tornadoes occur in this area more than any other place …show more content…
Specifically, in the winter, Chicago, Illinois can be extremely cold. Temperatures can drop below fifteen degrees Fahrenheit at night. The daytime average in January in Chicago, Illinois is close to thirty-degree Fahrenheit during the day. In comparison, winter in Dallas, Texas can be very mild. January temperatures in Dallas, Texas average close to Fifty-eight degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Night temperatures rarely fall below freezing. If ever the temperature in Dallas does drop below freezing, snow is not likely. Freezing precipitation will usually melt in Dallas, Texas during the day. If temperatures do drop below freezing at night, then roads freeze over with a layer of ice, making travel hazardous. Dallas does not have salt trucks to melt the ice as Chicago does. On the rare occasion that Dallas, Texas gets freezing weather, the school day will usually be canceled. If Chicago canceled school for snow and freezing weather, the children could potentially miss several weeks to months of school. School is not canceled often in Chicago, Illinois due to snow and ice like Dallas, Texas …show more content…
Chicago, Illinois is famous for its deep-dish pizza, while Dallas is known for barbecue. Chicago’s deep-dish pizza is so thick you must eat it with a fork. You cannot just pick up a slice of Chicago style deep dish pizza with your hands. Dallas is home to famous barbecue smokehouses like “Spring Creek Barbecue” and “Sonny Bryan’s Smokehouse.” Texas takes barbecue so seriously that the states barbecue styles have been divided into four regions: Central Texas, East Texas, West Texas, and South Texas. Dallas falls into the Central Texas region. Central Texas-style barbecue usually consists of a dry rub, that is a mixture of spices and seasoning. The meat is traditionally smoked at a low temperature for several hours over oak or pecan wood. Barbecuing chicken and beef are popular as well as other meats like sausage, and ham
Last, one of the differences in schooling between the city of Chicago and the city of Dallas is that the state of Texas requires Dallas students to complete a state history class as part of their curriculum. This class, also known as “Texas History” focuses on the beginnings of Texas before it was a state. Portions of the course teach the students about when Texas was a part of Mexico, France, and Spain through the Battle of the Alamo and into Texas independence and statehood. There is also a part that teaches students about the native tribes of

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