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Youth At Risk Program Analysis

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The program I have chosen to talk about is the ‘Youth at Risk Program’ offered by Outward Bound Canada. This program offers a variety of outdoor courses and activities for the youth to take, providing a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, economic and social backgrounds. Individuals who are respectful and willing to interact with their peers, follow instructions well are eligible to apply for this program. This program is designed to remove individuals from their everyday environments and immerse them in an exciting outdoor adventure, where they must draw on their strengths and work as a team with others to be successful. The programs provides the individuals with the opportunity to reconnect with themselves, with others and with the nature around them. In a supportive environment the individuals who participate can transform their attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs. At the end of the program the individuals will be coming away with a renewed sense of their own potential and self worth, some individuals will be able to earn a high school credit if they complete the program successfully. The program is based on a ‘challenge by choice’ which is where the individuals are stonily encouraged to push themselves and to try out new experiences. …show more content…
It is said that they exploit their staff and severely underpays them. Although that does not have to do with how the program helps at risk youth, it was the only negative review I could find about this program. Another negative review that I came across was that the program has not always it the safety of the individuals who attended, or the instructors first. Since 1962, there have been thirteen deaths of individuals who have attended this program, three instructor deaths, and four deaths of participants that are unrelated to

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