...Ever seen a person or thing differ from the rest? These kinds of people are usually referred to as outliers. Iman the model is a famous outlier in which I'd like to allude to. As talked about in Malcolm Gladwell's thoughts on success. The Matthew effect plays a big role on how Iman reached the top. Iman's extraordinary opportunity, to become a supermodel was given by Peter beard an American photographer. She struck his attention, when she was coming from her job as a translator in Kenya, she was then asked to take a picture opportunities like this doesn’t happen very often. Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid is a supermodel born to Somalian parents Mohamed Abdulmajid and Marian Abdulmajid (July 25, 1955). Growing up in Somalia she was very poor and the only child, both of her parents were political activists. Iman’s father whom was 17 at the time became the ambassador for Sudan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. She went from nothing to being the ambassador's daughter. Tragedy then struck when a revolution was brought to Africa which sent her back...
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...PERMULAAN ( LAPORAN/ PEMEIAN DIALOG) | TAJUK: Agama Benteng Iman. | TEMA: pemuda dan masa depan | LATAR | MASA: 2012-kini- di mana razif menjalani hidup2009-2011 – razif dan rakan2 di sekolah menegah rendah | TEMPAT: University- tempat dimana Razif dan rakan2 belajar.Club- di tengah kota berhampiran university tempat razif dan rakan lepakHospital- razif dimasukkan ke hospitalMasjid-berjumpa dengan Pak ManRumah sewa- hujung kota di mana raazif dan rakan2 tinggalKampung Pandan- kampong halaman razif | MASYARAKAT:Hidup dalam suasana socialMasyarakat yang mementingkan agamaMasyarakat university hidup dalam kalangan masyarakat sebaya | KONFLIK: tersasar ke lembah penghinaan lalu bangkit memperbaiki diri Mencari sinar kebahagian dengan jalan agamaBertemu seorg sahabat yang mampu membimbing ke jalan kebenaran | WATAK UTAMA ( Razif Syarif ) | FIZIKAL | DALAMAN | Tinggi HensemBerketerampilan menarikHidup bergayaSeorang pelajar sekolah agama | Mudah terpengaruh Namun senang menerima nasihatHidup bersama rakan2 yang socialTerjerumus ke lembah peghinaan | WATAK SAMPINGAN ( Syafiq Asyraff ) | FIZIKAL | DALAMAN | Tinggi MachoPerwatakan warak | Sahabat razifRakan yang baikKuat agamaBerkawan sejak kecilSentiasa mengukuti program agama | WATAK SAMPINGAN: Ahmad Haikal- rakan sekolej yang sering mengajakrzif ke kelabAzlan Hafiz- rakan haikal yang memperkenalkan razif kepada jalan hidup socialPak Man (teksi driver) – menemui razif di sebuah masjid Cheong (colleges)- rakan...
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...BAB VIII IMAN, MORAL, DAN ETIK Frans Hasiholan 1306414210 Modul MPK Agama Kristen Universitas Indonesia “Pokok Bahasan II Manusia Beriman, Bermoral, dan Berbudaya” Iman merupakan bagian yang integral dalam kehidupan orang beriman, menempati tempat yang sentral di dalam kehidupan orang Kristen. Iman mendasari dan mewarnai segenap aspek kehidupan – mendasari sikap, perkataan, dan perbuatan kita. Iman melandasi kehidupan moral (baik/buruk; benar/salah hubungan antarmanusia), dan etik (pengambilan keputusan). Dalam kehidupan orang Kristen, iman nyata melalui sikap, perhatian, dan perbuatan kita. Surat Ibrani 11:1 berbunyi sebagai berikut: Iman adalah dasar dari segala sesuatu yang kita harapkan dan bukti dari segala sesuatu yang tidak kita lihat. Itu artinya, atas dasar iman kita membangun harapan kita untuk mencapai atau memperoleh sesuatu. Dengan iman kita berharap agar harapan itu menjadi kenyataan. Sebelum harapan itu menjadi kenyataan, diperlukan bukti dari segala sesuatu yang tidak tampak, yaitu suatu kepastian mengenai apa yang kita harapkan. Dengan demikian, iman melahirkan harapan dan kepastian mengenai apa yang kita harapkan, sehingga harapan itu menjadi suatu kenyataan. Tetapi sebagai orang Kristen, harapan tidak akan menjadi kenyataan begitu saja. Diperlukan suatu persekutuan dan kasih yang timbal balik antara kita, manusia, dengan Tuhan. Hubungan persekutuan dan kasih yang timbale balik dengan Tuhan haruslah meliputi hal-hal sebagai berikut: adanya keyakinan...
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...adalah manusia yang akan gagal pada akhirnya. Setelah melihat tayangan tentang pentingnya karakter dan iman dalam diri seorang manusia, saya menyadari bahwa di dunia ini saya tidak dapat terus-menurus mengandalkan kemampuan saya sendiri. Setiap manusia memiliki kelemahan, dan yang mampu menutupi kelemahan yang terdapat dalam diri manusia itu sendiri adalah Yesus Kristus, putra tunggal Allah. Oleh karena itu, saya sadar akan pentingnya iman yang harus saya miliki akan diri-Nya, karena dengan iman dan kepercayaan kepada-Nya lah saya akan mampu menghadapi setiap rintangan dan tantangan yang terjadi dalam hidup saya. Mengandalkan kekuatan diri sendiri tidak akan ada gunanya karena pada dasarnya saya adalah manusia, dan setiap manusia telah jatuh dalam dosa. Sehingga, pasti ada suatu hal yang tidak dapat kita perbuat secara baik. Ketika cobaan datang menghadang, Yesus-lah satu-satunya yang dapat kita andalkan karena Yesus adalah sosok yang sempurna dan Ia tidak pernah sekalipun meninggalkan manusia ciptaan-Nya. Ketika semua orang menjatuhkan saya, dan tidak menjanjikan sesuatu untuk saya, saya percaya bahwa masi ada Yesus Kristus yang setia, dan selalu berjalan bersama saya dalam menghadapi semua pergumulan yang terjadi dalam hidup saya. Di dalam Yesus-lah terdapat semua keyakinan dan keajaiban di mana segala sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi, dapat terjadi apabila kita memiliki iman di dalam Yesus Kristus. Menyadari hal ini, hal pertama yang harus saya lakukan adalah memiliki berusaha...
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...Remaja Sekolah, Menuju satu ikatan bersaudara, Bersatu menjulang, keamanan Negara, Menjayakan ilmu, iman dan amal. Marilah kita membina peribadi, Membentuk insan yang kreatif, Kearah kecemerlangan diri, Sepanjang masa yang berterusan. Remaja sambulah cabaran, Menjadi bangsa Malaysia, Maju dan cemerlang, remaja berwawasan, Jangan kita lupa kepada pencipta. Remaja hayati budaya, Ilmu, iman dan amal, Tetapka di hati dan jiwamu. Wawasan Kadet Remaja Sekolah. LAGU KRS Kadet Remaja Sekolah, Menuju satu ikatan bersaudara, Bersatu menjulang, keamanan Negara, Menjayakan ilmu, iman dan amal. Marilah kita membina peribadi, Membentuk insan yang kreatif, Kearah kecemerlangan diri, Sepanjang masa yang berterusan. Remaja sambulah cabaran, Menjadi bangsa Malaysia, Maju dan cemerlang, remaja berwawasan, Jangan kita lupa kepada pencipta. Remaja hayati budaya, Ilmu, iman dan amal, Tetapka di hati dan jiwamu. Wawasan Kadet Remaja Sekolah. LAGU KRS Kadet Remaja Sekolah, Menuju satu ikatan bersaudara, Bersatu menjulang, keamanan Negara, Menjayakan ilmu, iman dan amal. Marilah kita membina peribadi, Membentuk insan yang kreatif, Kearah kecemerlangan diri, Sepanjang masa yang berterusan. Remaja sambulah cabaran, Menjadi bangsa Malaysia, Maju dan cemerlang, remaja berwawasan, Jangan kita lupa kepada pencipta. Remaja hayati budaya, Ilmu, iman dan amal, Tetapka di hati dan jiwamu. Wawasan Kadet Remaja Sekolah. LAGU KRS Kadet Remaja Sekolah...
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... She would touch different body parts and the children had to do the same. Ms. Rochelle asked the to touch their eyebrows, forehead, neck, chin, ankles, knees and chest etc. She reviewed what each body part was for. Reeham- During areas Reeham colored at the art center. She used crayons and drew a detailed drawing. She went into detail describing her drawing saying that she drew a mermaid that was swimming in the ocean. Girls- While the children worked at the art center the children used glue, yarn and scissor to form designs on their papers. They snipped pieces of yarn and used scissors to cut out shapes and made collages on their papers. Reeham, Iman- Iman was wrinting at the table and had trouble writing her letters Reeham saw Iman and said, “Iman ask for help” Iman said, “Reeham can you help me?” Reeham said, “Sure.” Iman called out the letters in her name and Reeham wroth them on her paper one letter at a time. ...
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...berdosalah aku kerana mencintai, dan kalau mengharap kasih itu diangap pengkhianatan maka pengkhianatlah aku. Salahkah andainya aku berjuang untuk mendapatkan semua itu? “Tidak salah Aina. Cuma cara engkau yang tidak betul. Engkau mengharapakan cinta disebalik kedukaan orang lain. Kasih yang engkau minta juga atas kehancuran hati seorang wanita, jadi layakkah engkau untuk semua itu?” Suara hatiku berbicara sendiri. Ya, aku memang tidak layak. Mengenali Zareef dan Iman adalah hadiah terbesar dalam hidupku. Pertama kali menjejak kaki ke Universiti Utara Malaysia dua nama itulah yang mula menghulurkan salam persahabatan. Saat susah dan senang kami kongsi bersama, pertama kali aku rasa dihargai. Aku membesar di rumah anak yatim selepas kematian ayah dan ibu kerana terlibat dalam kemalangan ngeri akibat kecuaian orang lain pada usia yang baru mencecah lima tahun. Di rumah anak yatim itulah aku membesar. Merebut kasih sayang umi dan babah pemilik rumah anak yatim bersama dengan berpuluh lagi kanak-kanak senasib denganku. Zareef dan Iman beruntung kerana dilahirkanan dalam keluarga yang agak senang, tetapi kesenangan itu langsung tidak menjadikan mereka manusia yang hanya tahu mendongak ke langit. Meniti kehidupan sebagai seorang student membuatkan aku dihimpit dengan segala macam...
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...sites of Islamic faith in Chicago’s communities. However, anti-Islamic rhetoric and negative media representation have contributed to divisiveness in Chicago and nationwide, with an FBI study released last year showing a 67% increase in hate crimes against Muslim Americans. According to the Council On Islamic Relations, 2015 was the ‘worst year’ for hate crimes against Muslim Americans since the organization began tracking the data. Organizations such as CAIR and the Inner-City Muslim Action Network work to combat Islamophobia by connecting with the larger Chicago community. The Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) was established in 1997 by a intergenerational group of students, residents and organizers looking to address the violence and poverty that was so prevalent in the southwest side of the city. Focused on alleviating the troubles of urban life, IMAN operates a community health center; provides transitional housing and job training for formerly incarcerated persons, provides youth leadership programs and a large amount of arts and culture programming. Director of the organization Rami Nashashibi explained its importance, noting how “the arts have become the real factor for us in both humanizing each other’s stories, connecting our stories and… revealing to one another the possibilities of what a better world can look like.” IMAN’s emphasis on the arts led to the development of a street festival, incorporating music and culture centered around the Islamic faith...
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...PA – Induktif 1 Timotius 1 : 12-17 “Ucapan Syukur atas Kasih Karunia Allah” OBSERVASI: Outline (alur cerita): 1. Ucapan syukur kepada Yesus Kristus. Ay. 12 2. Pengakuan dosa paulus terhadap kesalahannya yang lampau, juga pengakuan bahwa oleh karena iman dan Kasih karunia ia merasakan Kasih yang melimpah dari Tuhan. Ay. 13-14 3. Pernyataan iman Paulus akan kebesaran Tuhan dalam hidupnya yang berdosa. Ay. 15-16 4. Kembali Paulus menaikkan ucapan syukur dan hormat kepada Raja segala zaman dan Allah yang kekal. Ay. 17. Who: 1. Aku disini adalah Paulus yang menulis surat untuk murid yang dikasihinya timotius. When: 1. Kapan surat ini di tulis oleh paulus? Surat ini ditulis oleh Paulus pada 64-65 M, pada saat Paulus menugaskan Timotius sebagai wakil rasuli untuk melayani di Efesus, dan Titus di Kreta. Where: 1. Surat ini ditulis pada saat Paulus berada di Makedonia sebelum dia kembali ditangkap di Roma. Mengapa Paulus menulis surat ini? Surat ini sesungguhnya merupakan "Surat-Surat Penggembalaan", adalah surat-surat dari Paulus (1Tim 1:1; 2Tim 1:1; Tit 1:1) kepada Timotius (di Efesus) dan Titus (di Kreta) mengenai pelayanan pastoral di gereja. Jadi surat ini juga menjadi suatu penguatan buat Timotius yang sedang menjalankan tugas pengembalaan di efesus. INTERPRETASI: Nilai-nilai apa yang dapat kita ambil dari perikop ini: 1. Kemurahan Allah kepada Paulus seharusnya memberikan kita semangat untuk memberitakan Injil kepada orang berdosa, dengan...
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...50 Questions And Answers On Islamic Monotheism Q1 Who is your Rubb? (the Lord,the Creator etc). A. My Rubb is Allah Who has created me and all that exists. He nourishes me and all creatures by His Bounties. Q.2. What is your religion? A. My religion is Islam, which is submission and obedience to the Order oF Allah and His Messenger with love, hope and fear. Q.3. How did you know Allah? I know Him by His signs and creation like the day and night; the sun and the moon; the heaven and the earth, and all that is there in and between them. Q.4. Where is Allah? A. Allah is above the heavens raised over the Throne and separated from His creatures. Q.5. Is Allah with us (in person)? A. Allah is settled over His Mighty Throne, but He is with us by His Knowledge, hearing ,seeing and other attributes. As He said: "Fear not verily! I am with you both hearing and seeing (V,20. :46) Q.6. Who are the friends of Allah? A. Those people are the friends of Allah who are pious and righteous, fear Him much abstain from all kinds of sins and perform all kinds of goods, and holdfast to the Qur`an and Sunnah. Q. 7. How do you worship Allah? A. I worship Allah in a manner in which all my ibadah is dedicated to Him Alone. I do not ascribe anyone with Him in worship. Q-8. Why did Allah send Messengers? A. Allah has sent Messengers so that they call the people to worship Him Alone, not ascribing any partner with Him, and in order that mankind should have no plea against Allah...
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...ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW Irawan Febianto (i_febianto@yahoo.com) •CIFP (Chartered Islamic Finance Professional) Konsentrasi, Manajemen Syariah, FE Unpad •Sekretaris SOURCE: DR. MAGDA ISMAIL (INCEIF, 2009) LEARNING OBJECTIVES The Nature and Characteristic of Man. The Concept of Din and its Significance to Economic Activity. Islamic Worldview vs. Secular Worldview. Implications of Different Worldviews on Man’s Way of Life Definitions of Islam: Iman, ‘Amal, Ihsan. Concepts of Tawhid, Khilafah, Adalah. Concepts of accountability, transparency and trustworthiness 2 . What do you understand by the Worldview? INCEIF 3 WORLDVIEW Worldview explain how man perceives this world. It denotes “a set of implicit or explicit assumptions about the origin of the universe and the nature of human life”. INCEIF 4 SECULAR WORLDVIEW Every community or system is controlled or influenced by its own worldview. different worldviews among communities or among systems lead to dissimilar end means of human life. The MAN’S WAY OF LIFE FROM SECULAR VIEW Separation between religion and other aspects of life, Materialistic, Individualistic, Less socio-economic justice, Less public relations, less concern with the Hereafter life. 6 INCEIF MAN’S WAY OF LIFE IN ISLAM Belief in a dual worldviews: this world & the hereafter. Religion is part of his/her daily life. Maslahah of the ummah (public benefit), Accountability...
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...İNİ L Bir İ’câz Hecelemesi Copyright © N ıl Y a yın tın . 2014 Bu /serin mm yayın h aklan iç ti Yayıncılık Ticaret Y ) 'ne a ittir. Eserde yer alan metin te resimlerin. Lçık Yayıncılık Ticaret /(..) nın önceden ya zılı izn i olmaksızın, elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi ya da herhangi bir kayıt sistemi ile çoğaltılması, yayımlanması te depolanması yasaktır. ISBN 9 7 8 -9 7 5 -3 1 5 -6 6 9 -1 Yayın Numarası 541 Çağlayan A. Ş. TS EN 150 9 0 0 1 :2 0 0 8 Ser N o: 300-01 Sarnıç Y olu Ü zen N o : 7 Gaziemir / İZM İR Tel: (0 232) 274 22 15 Kasım 20 14 Genel Dağıtım Gökkuşağı Pazarlama ve Dağıtım Merkez Mah. Soğuksu Cad. N o: 31 -i Tek-Er İş Merkezi Mahmutbey/İSTANBUL Tel: (0 2 1 2 )4 1 0 50 6 0 Faks: (0 2 1 2 )4 4 5 8 4 6 4 Nıl Yayınları Bulgurlu Mahallesi Bağcılar Caddesi N o: 1 Üsküdar/İSTANBUL Tel: (0216) 522 1 1 44 Faks: jp J L j oHJjil JAJL>j ‘O K u r’â n ’ı Biz, hakkın ta kendisi ola rak indirdik ve o mutlak hakkın kendisi olarak nâzil o ld u .’14 hakkaniyetini tescil ettirmektedir. ” 1 5 Müellifimiz, Bakara Sûresi’ nin tefsirine başlarken ö n ce “Sûreye İcmali Bir Bakış” başlığı ile sûre-i şerifenin m uhte 15 “Dürüstlük bulm ak isteyen kim se, dürüst olmalı dır.” kaidesi. “Ey İsrail’in evlatlan! Size ihsan ettiğim nimet lerimi düşünün. Bana verdiğiniz sözü yerine getirin ki Ben de size karşı ahdimi yerine getireyim ve yalnız B en d en korkun!”1 9 âyetinde Cenab-ı Allah, Kendisiyle bütün kullan arasında bir sözleşme bulunduğunu...
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...THE EFFICIENCY OF ZAKAT DISTRIBUTIONS: CASE STUDY ON PUSAT ZAKAT SELANGOR 1.0 INTRODUCTION Zakat is one of five pillars of Islam, which has direct impacts not only for the relationship between man and Allah Swt as The Creator (hablunminallah) but also for the relationship between man and its society (hablunminannaas). It is due to the fact that the payment of zakat can be used as the parameter of the obedience of the man to Allah Swt and also can be used to share the wealth from the rich to the poor ones. Nevertheless, the zakat laws (fiqh zakat) which regard to the explanation of what zakatable items are; how much zakat should be paid; and what the zakat requirements are; were not explained briefly in the Al Qur'an. They were only explained in detail in the Hadist. On the other hand, the zakat laws (Fiqh zakat) with regard to the explanation of how zakat should be distributed were explained briefly in the Al Qur'an. It shows that how zakat should be distributed is more important rather than what, how and how much zakat should be collected or paid. It is possible that the explanation of zakat distribution is more important than the explanation zakat collection since zakat distribution involves the sharing of wealth, which can attract the bad or unfair attitude from greedy man or weak Moslem. Consequently, it must be provided a brief guide to avoid mishandle or misuse of the wealth of zakat.Realizing the importance of zakat distribution in order to ensure its effectiveness...
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...attempts at defining knowledge falls into either circularity or tautology[2]. The article titled “True and False Knowledge”, written by Syed Muhammad al-Naquib al-Attas, sets out to show the solitary factor involved in defining knowledge, the purpose of seeking knowledge, types of knowledge and features of false knowledge. It is claimed by the author that there is a close connection between knowledge and justice. Justice is defined as the state whereby things are in their correct places, where there is harmony. It is also connected with fitrah and iman. With knowledge, an individual can know whether things are in their right places or not. Hence, knowledge becomes an integral part of the meaning of justice. Justice is closely connected with fitrah, a state of nature. Fitrah is the state when we made a contract with God by expressing the kalimah: La ilaha illallah, there is no god but Allah. In this world, those who have iman have continued to abide by that contract, while those who do not are denying themselves their rightful state. In Islam, justice to the self is mentioned first. It concerns the contract each soul has sealed with Allah. It is claimed by Syed Muhammad al-Naquib al-Attas, if that contract is not fulfilled, then there will be a state of zulm and man will be doing injustice to himself. This is, perhaps, the basic idea of justice and knowledge. It is based on the idea of covenant which individual has made with God. Every culture has a...
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...Running Head: Corporate Duties Corporate Duties Nicole Sherwood BUS670: Legal Environment Alexis Hooley March 26, 2012 Abstract Corporations are intricate entities and require many people to aid in its success. The main groups that actively contribute to the corporation are the directors, officers, and shareholders. Each group is vital to the success of the organization. A corporation is a company in the marketplace and is comprised of many people who have specific duties and responsibilities. All people who are part of the corporation are considered corporate people and are important to the day-to-day functioning of the corporation. Some corporate people are given duties that are necessary to achieve the mission of the organization. The key people within a corporation who are responsible for the mission of the organization are the directors, officers, and shareholders. The success of the corporation is largely due the work and success of these people. Duties of Directors of Corporations Directors of a corporation are largely responsible for the day-to-day operations and the direct success of the corporation. The main duty of the directors is to implement control and management within the corporation and to ensure that all functions are carried out in a smooth manger (McNamara, 2008). Part of ensure this is to define the policies and procedures of the organization so that company employees understand...
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