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Impact of Online Marketing


Submitted By twilson979
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Impact of Online Marketing

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Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Research Findings 4 Finding Number 1 4 Finding Number 2 5 Finding Number 3 5 Recommendations 5 Conclusion 6 References 7

Impact of Online Marketing

Executive Summary

The internet refers to information technology that exponentially diffuses among businesses over the world. The central focus of this exploration reflects on the effects of internet based marketing on sales volume, organization management and resource allocation. Over the last decade, the internet has interrupted most retailers in terms of organization management, sales volume and the allocation of resources. The introduction of innovative technological changes such as cloud computing and web 2.0 continue to emerge at a dizzying pace, with each appears to be giving promises on the elimination, improve or transform the traditional marketing procedures. The report falls into five sections: introduction, research findings, analysis, recommendation and conclusion. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the benefits that accrue with online marketing so as to advice the organization on its importance. Furthermore, the paper intends to seek to offer advice to the management over the potential elements to put into consideration when implementing expansion project of internet marketing. The findings provide insight on the benefits of online marketing, what many retailers know, but may have not accepted. That is the changes brought about by digital technology is inevitable across all business platforms and need for proper planning. To date, however, the greatest impact of digital business is on online marketing as this addresses a wide base of customer audiences. The findings suggest that investment and focus need to expand to incorporate internal

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