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Importance Of Extended Warranty

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Is Purchasing an Extended Warranty Necessary?
Millions of cars are sold each year within the United States. One of the benefits of purchasing a new car is the fact that the owner gets the manufacturer’s warranty for a number of years or a certain amount of miles following their purchase. Once the manufacturer’s warranty is about to expire, many people contemplate whether they should purchase an extended warranty for their vehicle, since auto repair can get expensive. However, everyone shouldn’t purchase an extended warranty for their vehicle, simply paying for their auto repairs in Lansing may be more cost-effective. Owners can forgo the extended warranty if the following applies.
They Only Want to Own Their Car for a Year or Less
People who plan to own their car or truck for a year or less shouldn’t purchase an extended warranty. Extended warranties can cost thousands of dollars, and the driver won’t be able to recoup the money they’ve spent on the extended warranty in a year or two. Drivers should get all of their problems fixed while they are still covered by their warranty so that they know they won’t have problems with their vehicle in the short term. …show more content…
However, it’s important to note that they may not provide the same service with an extended warranty. In fact, car owners may find that for the cost of the extended warranty, they only get a few systems covered. A warranty that offers reduced protection shouldn’t be purchased by vehicle owners. Instead, it may be cost-effective for owners to pay for their car repairs as they arise. Expert Financial Advisor Dave Ramsey suggests that owners refuse the extended warranty and set aside monies for car repairs in

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